
  • How I added games to my son Jacob’s schedule to promote socialization.

    Embrace differences
    Be kind, reach out and embrace differences!

    How I Turned My Son Jacob into a Social Butterfly (Well, Sort of)

    Hey there, fellow schedule enthusiasts! You know, parents and teachers who use schedules are basically the superheroes of time management. 🦸‍♂️ They keep everyone on the same page, and for folks like me, they help avoid meltdowns that could rival a volcano eruption. More info:

    You see, I use schedules because of my son Jacob’s autism. His daily routines and his ability to follow a schedule give him a sense of security, confidence, and a lot less anxiety about the rollercoaster of life. But recently, I decided it was time to add a little sprinkle of socialization to Jacob’s schedule.

    Now, let me give you the inside scoop on my secret weapon: games. Yes, games, folks! I decided to sneak some fun into his routine, and let me tell you, it’s been an adventure.

    Game Time, Jacob Style

    Games for socialization!
    Games for socialization!

    So, here’s the deal. Jacob, like many kids on the spectrum, tends to be a lone wolf when it comes to socializing. He wants us around, but he’s not exactly hosting tea parties or neighborhood BBQs.

    Occasionally, I decided to spice things up by putting a game, like Word Search, on his schedule. Now, let me be clear, he LOVES word searches. Seriously, he’s like a word-hunting ninja. He even has them as part of his schoolwork and other worksheets.

    But, here’s the kicker – he always beats me. It’s like playing chess with a grandmaster. 😅 So, technically, it’s socialization, but it’s more like a friendly competition. He tolerates playing with me because it’s on his schedule, and he enjoys a good word hunt.

    Using his need for structure and routines, I can easily switch things up. If there’s a holiday on the horizon, we talk about it ahead of time. He can see it on the calendar and his schedule, and it helps him mentally prepare for the change.

    Countdowns and Excitement

    Now, one thing that gets Jacob excited is when he knows something different is happening. For instance, when his brother is coming into town, he’s over the moon. He counts down the days on his schedule, and trust me, it’s adorable.

    You see, schedules aren’t just about keeping order; they’re about building excitement and helping him accept changes in our family’s routine. It’s like his own personal calendar of awesome events.

    Games for Social Skills

    Games to increase socialization skills
    Increase socialization skills with games!

    Now, in school, teachers do something similar for the students. They dangle the game carrot at the end of a work stick, and it works like a charm. The kids know that if they complete their tasks, they get to dive into some game time.

    Jacob, like many kids on the spectrum, adores games. And while he might not win “Most Talkative” at school, he sure knows how to play a mean game of Connect Four. Here are some ideas for summer:

    These games aren’t just fun; they’re stealthily teaching social skills. He might not always jump at the opportunity to socialize, but since it’s part of his schedule, he goes along with it. It’s a win-win, my friends.

    So, if you’re navigating the unpredictable waters of autism like me, consider adding some game time to your child’s schedule. You might not turn them into a social butterfly overnight, but you’ll definitely make socializing a part of their daily routine. And hey, who knows, maybe they’ll even let you win at Word Search. 🕵️‍♀️

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  • Create an autism friendly summer schedule for your child!


    Jacob having fun at Barnes and Noble!

    Why do I need a summer schedule? Children with autism or any learning disability need help understanding their day and transitioning. A routine will help reduce anxiety and meltdowns because the child will understand what’s expected of them and what is coming next.

    Like me, my students are looking forward to summer break. Without a plan or schedule, they may cause a lot of chaos at home. Parents are wondering, “What in the world? How can you be unhappy when you have no alarm clock and all this free time to do what you want?”

    I understand, I’ve asked myself the same question as a mom and a teacher! As a mom, it felt like I didn’t have one free minute with the kids home unless they were in bed at night. I was tired and wondering why my home was so chaotic. 

    With Jacob, there were meltdowns, chaos, and frustration for the whole family. Because he has trouble with conversations and communication, walking into the room and asking him to do things almost always resulted in meltdowns or some form of resistance. 

    I figured out how to create autism friendly schedules:

    This is a typical daily summer schedule during the week.

    Once I figured out that schedules could be used to show Jacob his day without verbal communication (demands), we started getting somewhere. In the schedule above each line has multiple steps. He has done some version of this for years so it’s easier now. My home was free from the chaos of meltdowns, anxiety, and rebellion that had me frazzled and frustrated as a mom.

    Schedules should start very simple and become a full day or week of activities. You can even do monthly schedules once your child understands what’s happening and is happy using them. 

    To start, my first summer schedule was a : First – Then schedule.

    Simple First Then Schedule

    To start, my first schedule was a First – Then. Meaning, first you do this…. Then you get this. After this is accomplished and your child is successful, then you can add another task. You can make a list and use pictures. There are so many different ways you can create a schedule and make it fit your life and your child’s needs.

    Jacob’s daily work schedule always has a small chapter book of some kind to keep him reading. During the summer Barnes and Noble usually offers free books to kids who read and turn in their list. Ours is in Fayetteville, NC. Here is the pdf link if you are interested! BNKidsSummerReading85x11 http://chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/

    Jacob is now 25 years old, and we use a monthly schedule to:

    List daily schedule and add in specials so your child knows whats coming in days ahead!

    Jacob is now 25 years old, and we use a monthly schedule to keep track of shaving, haircut, etc. Doctor visits and Mom and Dad’s schedule is also posted. He has Monday-Sunday zippered bags that have activities (worksheets, small chapter books, etc.) that are daily. He also has daily things on his schedule, like breakfast, taking meds, taking a shower, etc.

    When we started this journey, there were so many things going through my mind and scaring me about the diagnosis of autism that creating a schedule never entered my mind as something that would help us so much.

    A summer schedule for a child with autism is crucial for several reasons:

    1. Predictability and Structure: Children with autism thrive on predictability and structure. A summer schedule gives them a sense of routine and familiarity, which can help reduce anxiety and meltdowns. Knowing what to expect throughout the day can provide security and stability.
    2. Visual Representation: Children with autism often benefit from visual support. A visual schedule, with pictures or symbols representing each activity, helps them understand and anticipate the sequence of events. It serves as a visual reminder of what comes next, smoothing transitions and reducing confusion.
    3. Enhancing Communication: For children with communication challenges, a schedule is a non-verbal way to understand and communicate their needs and activities. It can help them express their preferences, make choices, and participate in planning their day.
    4. Promoting Independence: A structured schedule empowers children with autism to develop independent skills. They can learn to follow the schedule, complete tasks independently, and take ownership of their daily routines. This promotes self-confidence and self-reliance.
    5. Facilitating Skill Development: A summer schedule can include activities targeting specific skills or goals. It allows for intentional planning of activities that promote learning, socialization, sensory integration, communication, and other areas of development. By incorporating therapy or educational activities into the schedule, the child can continue progressing during the summer months.
    6. Supporting the Whole Family: A schedule benefits not only the child with autism but also the entire family. It provides a structure for the family’s daily life, reduces chaos and stress, and ensures everyone is on the same page. Schedules help parents and caregivers plan and organize their time effectively, knowing what activities or support the child needs at specific times.
    Summer Chaos Free:
    Pic’s of the family over the years during summer!

    I am happy to report that as a mom and special education teacher, schedules help me to communicate with Jacob and my students and also decrease anxiety during the day. School teachers will also say that schedules are necessary to keep everyone on track and developing skills.

    Every child is unique!

    Remember, every child with autism is unique, so the summer schedule should be tailored to their individual needs and interests. It should balance routine and flexibility, allowing for spontaneous activities and free time while maintaining a basic structure. 


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