Back to School Home or at Public School looks different with autism!

Back to School with All Things Autism!


Back-to-school season is upon us, going back to school and all things autism are my specialty! Going back to school for many parents, it’s a time of excitement mixed with a bit of anxiety. But for those of us with children on the autism spectrum, it’s a whole different ballgame. I’ve been through the trenches, and I’ve learned from the best teacher there is—my son, Jacob.🎒✨


Now, let me let you in on a little secret: Jacob isn’t officially in school anymore because he’s aged out. But shhh…don’t tell him that! Jacob continues to tackle reading, writing, and math assignments every single day, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. 📝📚


You see, structure and routine are the magical ingredients that keep our days running smoothly. When things go off course, it’s like a storm brewing inside our home. Frustration and anxiety start to creep in, and before we know it, chaos reigns. Over the years, we’ve discovered that the key to Jacob’s success—and our sanity—is maintaining that all-important structure. It’s his anchor, giving him the security of sameness that he craves.


In this post, I’m diving into our back-to-school journey and sharing tips, tricks, and insights for parents who are navigating the world of autism, whether you’re homeschooling or working with public schools. Let’s tackle this together—one structured day at a time! 💪🎒

Back to School with Jacob and All Things Autism! 🎒✨

Back-to-school season is always a unique experience when you’re living on Autism Island. For those of us teaching children with autism, whether at home or in the classroom, it’s a time to revisit the strategies that keep our kids on track and help them thrive. This journey is all about finding what works and sticking with it—what I like to call C-consistent A-action L-learning M-mindset, or “CALM” for short. I’ve talked about this framework before on Educating Jacob,, and today, I’m diving deeper into how it shapes our back-to-school routine. 🌟

These zippered bags contain the days work and the garment bag holds the sensory friendly clothes!

C – Consistent Action Forward 🛤️

Consistency is the cornerstone of success for children with autism. Without a plan, the day can quickly spiral into chaos and anxiety. For Jacob, structure isn’t just helpful—it’s essential. That’s why we start every day with a clear plan, laid out in his visual schedule. This schedule isn’t just a list of tasks; it’s a roadmap that gives Jacob the confidence to move forward, knowing exactly what comes next. Autism Diagnosis: My Home Was in Chaos and I Felt Like a Terrible Mom!

In the classroom, the same principles apply. My students know what to expect the moment they walk in. Visual and sensory supports are in place, helping them transition smoothly from one activity to the next. The key to C-consistent Action Forward is to keep moving, even when things get tough. If your current routine isn’t working, it’s time to make a change. Consistency doesn’t mean sticking with what’s familiar if it’s not effective—it means being committed to finding what works and sticking with that. 💪

A – Always Celebrate Wins 🎉

One of the most rewarding aspects of teaching Jacob is seeing his face light up when he realizes he’s done something right. But here’s the thing: Jacob hesitates to try something new if he’s not sure he’ll succeed. To build his confidence, we start with tasks he’s already mastered. This way, he can work independently and feel a sense of accomplishment.

For anything new, we tackle it together. With modeling, prompts, and video tutorials, we practice until he’s comfortable. And once he’s got it down? We celebrate! 🎊 No win is too small. Whether it’s mastering a new math problem or completing a reading assignment, we make sure to acknowledge his efforts. In the world of autism, where even the simplest tasks can be challenging, these moments are worth celebrating. So, don’t wait for the big milestones—throw those mini-parties often!

L – Learning to Create Schedules 🗓️

If you want to reduce chaos and anxiety in your child’s day, learning to create effective schedules is a game changer. Visual schedules are powerful tools for children with autism. They should be simple, easy to understand, and provide a clear beginning and end to each task. If your child can’t see the finish line, you’re setting them up for frustration.

For Jacob, his visual schedule is like a contract—it lays out what’s expected and when he’s done. There’s no guessing, no surprises, just a straightforward plan that he can follow. And the payoff? A smoother, less stressful day for everyone involved. If you haven’t yet mastered the art of creating schedules, now’s the time to start. It’s a skill that will bring calm to your household and help your child thrive. 📅

M – Mindset Matters 🧠

The final piece of the puzzle is mindset. Both the student and the teacher need to start the day with a positive outlook. Teaching, especially in the context of autism, can be tough. It’s easy to get discouraged when progress feels slow, but that’s when it’s most important to give yourself grace. Remind yourself and your child that learning is a journey. There will be challenges, but each one is an opportunity to grow.

For Jacob, and for my students, I emphasize that they are learners. Every task they master, every new skill they acquire, is proof that they can do it. It’s our job as parents and teachers to show them that they are capable of learning independently and that they can succeed. 🌱

As we gear up for another school year, whether at home or in the classroom, remember to keep it “CALM”—Consistent Action Forward, Always Celebrate Wins, Learning to Create Schedules, and Mindset Matters. These principles aren’t just about surviving the school year; they’re about helping our children thrive in all things autism. Here is another blog for adults on the spectrum:

Let’s tackle this together, one structured day at a time! 🎒💪

Want more, download the ebook guide: here!👇