
  • Ways to have peace? Creating time for yourself, not just your child with autism.

    Welcome to the chaotic yet rewarding journey of parenting a child with autism while creating time for yourself! 🌟 As parents, we often find ourselves tirelessly dedicated to meeting our children’s needs, especially when they require extra support and attention. But amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life, it’s easy to forget one essential component: ourselves.

    Trying to find an Honest Man in Congress

    I’ll be the first to admit, finding time for self-care as a parent of a child with autism can feel like trying to find an honest man in congress. 🧵 But after years of juggling appointments, therapies, and meltdowns, I’ve come to realize that carving out moments of peace for myself is not only beneficial—it’s downright essential.

    Creating Time for Yourself

    In this blog post, I’m excited to share my journey of discovering the importance of self-care and finding peace amidst the chaos of raising a child with autism. So let’s find the humor and practical tips, let’s embark on this adventure together and uncover the joys of creating time for ourselves, not just our children. 💆‍♀️

    Grab Your Favorite Mug

    #coffeeandabook, to relax and unwind I love coffee and a book!

    So grab your favorite mug of coffee (or tea, I won’t judge!), find a cozy spot to sit back, and let’s dive into the wonderful world of self-care for autism parents. Because trust me, you deserve it! I’m trying not to look at the calories in this Starbucks cup. 🍵✨

    The Wonderful World of Parent Swaps
    Pictures of mom and the boys!
    Mom and I always babysat for each other!

    Ah, the wonderful world of parent swaps—where exhaustion meets camaraderie, and sanity is traded like currency. 😅 Back when my mom was still alive, and I was knee-deep in the trenches of parenting with two small kids, one of whom had autism, we had a beautiful arrangement…

    I would help with my dad, he had COPD and needed assistance in the end years. I also, needed moments of running errands without two small children all over me! It was a great time, I loved spending time with my dad and my mom and dad loved spending time with their grandchildren. Win-Win!

    Discovering Peace Amidst the Chaos

    Yet, amidst the chaos and unexpected turns of life, I’ve found peace. 🕊️ I’ve come to accept our journey for what it is and embrace the support system that surrounds us. But perhaps the most significant lesson I’ve learned is this: I need more than just making my son’s life better…

    Prioritizing Spiritual Nourishment
    Trying to keep God first, not just when things go wrong.

    Without dedicating time to nurture my spiritual life, I find myself swimming in a sea of stress and discontent. 🌊 It’s like trying to navigate without a compass—I lose my sense of direction and purpose. So, I make it a priority to carve out moments for prayer, meditation, and reflection…

    Balancing Exercise and Indulgence

    As for exercise, well, let’s just say menopause has hit me like a ton of bricks. 💪 I’m still working on finding the perfect balance between staying active and indulging in a few too many comfort foods. But I’ve come to realize that moving my body and fueling it with nourishing foods are essential…

    Sprinkles on Life’s Sundae

    And let’s not forget about fun and creative activities—they’re like the sprinkles on top of life’s sundae. 🍦 Whether it’s painting, gardening, or belting out karaoke tunes in the living room, these moments of joy keep me feeling young at heart and connected to my inner child… Jacob and David are the DJ’s in the music department. Look at last weeks post on adding a little fun to a gloomy day!

    The Recipe for a Fulfilling Life

    But here’s the thing: it’s not just about me. It’s about ensuring that my entire family—Jacob included—has access to these essential ingredients for a fulfilling life. As the mom, I often find myself playing the role of chief nurturer, ensuring everyone’s needs are met…

    My husband David is great and does his part for the family and supports me too, but I will get lost in the details and plan without time for myself.

    Join the Journey

    So, here’s the game plan: we all need spiritual nourishment, regular exercise, and plenty of fun and creative outlets. It’s the recipe for a life well-lived, ensuring that each member of the family has the tools they need to thrive. 🌟

    We are all trying to include all of these areas into our schedules so that we are all working and fulfilled. 

    Let’s Laugh, Learn, and Dance

    Join me on this journey of creating time for yourself and self-care, where we’ll laugh, learn, and maybe even bust a few dance moves along the way. After all, life’s too short to forget about the most important things that make life worthwhile. 💃✨


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  • How to turn a gloomy day into a great day!#autismchallenges🧩


    Embracing the Rainy Day Adventure

    Rise and Shine, Autism Warriors! 🌟 It’s been a whirlwind of a week, hasn’t it? Meetings, sickness, and the occasional nocturnal wake-up call courtesy of Dad’s heroic endeavors as a firefighter and first responder. But fret not, my fellow adventurers, for when life tosses gloom our way, we’re experts at flipping the script! So, grab your umbrella and join me as we transform this rainy Saturday into a day brimming with culinary delights, sweet treats, and movie magic. Let’s sprinkle some joy into the gloom! ☂️”

    Kickstarting the Day with Aromatic Coffee

    So here we are, Autism Warriors, ready to conquer this gloomy Saturday with a dash of flair and a sprinkle of joy!  Let’s dive into the magic of turning a seemingly dull day into a memorable family adventure.☔️

    Indulging in Heavenly Delights

    First things first, let’s kickstart the day with some aromatic coffee to awaken our senses and fuel our spirits!  With David off shift and ready to join the fun, our family dynamic is already gearing up for an exciting day ahead.☕️

    A Sweet Stop at Crumbl Cookies

    crumbl cookies, YUM!
    Cookies for Movie Night!

    Next stop, Crumbl cookies!  Because let’s face it, what’s a gloomy day without some delectable treats to indulge in? Thanks to my persuasive co-workers, I’m now hooked on these heavenly delights, and there’s no turning back!🍪

    Crumbl Cookies Weekly Menu

    For those of you who don’t know, Crumbl cookies has a menu that changes weekly, so don’t look at the calories if you’re on a diet. Check them out: https://crumblcookies.com/ If you have the app, you can order ahead and pick up in a snap.🍪

    Embarking on a Nostalgic Journey

    With coffee in hand and cookies in tow, it’s time to transform our humble abode into a cozy haven of relaxation and entertainment. Cue the movie marathon!  As avid fans of “Stranger Things,” we’ve embarked on a nostalgic journey through the series, reliving the thrills and chills of Hawkins, Indiana. It’s the perfect blend of excitement and nostalgia to brighten up our gloomy Saturday.🎬

    Movie night netflix
    Movie Night “Stranger Things”
    Don’t Miss Out on Stranger Things

    For those of you who have missed this series, go check it out on Netflix:🎬 [Stranger Things]

    A Day Filled with Laughter and Love

    As the rain pitter-patters against the windowpanes, we huddle together on the couch, popcorn at the ready, and immerse ourselves in the captivating world of Eleven and her gang.  With each episode, laughter echoes through the room, and the worries of the week melt away in the warmth of family bonding and shared experiences.🍿

    Jacob’s Infectious Joy

    Meanwhile, Jacob, our ever-enthusiastic partygoer, revels in the festivities, his eyes lighting up with delight at the prospect of movie night and chocolate chip cookies.  His infectious joy reminds us that even on the dreariest of days, there’s always room for laughter and happiness.🌟

    Cheers to Making the Most of Every Moment

    So here’s to turning a gloomy Saturday into a day filled with laughter, love, and unforgettable memories. With a little creativity and a whole lot of love, we’ve transformed this rainy day into a magical adventure that reminds us of the beauty of family and togetherness. Cheers to making the most of every moment, rain or shine! 🌈✨

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  • How does mindset change things when raising a child with autism? 🧩

    To move forward with clarity your mindset needs work!
    To move forward with clarity your mindset needs work!

    Unlocking the Power of Mindset: 

    Raising a child with autism is a journey filled with twists, turns, and unexpected challenges. As parents, our mindset plays a pivotal role in how we navigate this path. When confusion and fear cloud our thoughts, taking action can seem daunting. I remember the moment when I first realized Jacob wasn’t speaking and faced the reality of his challenges beyond speech delay. It was a moment filled with devastation and fear. But amidst the uncertainty, I knew one thing for certain: I needed to arm myself with knowledge and understanding to take decisive action. Join me as we explore the transformative power of mindset in the realm of autism parenting.#Autism Challenges

    Just starting with the diagnosis? Check out the Autism Society: https://vimeo.com/5846214


    Navigating Autism Parenting with Clarity and Confidence:

    Ah, the maze of autism parenting! Picture yourself wandering aimlessly, bumping into walls, and occasionally tripping over your own shoelaces. It’s like trying to find your way out of a corn maze blindfolded – a recipe for comedic chaos! But fear not, my fellow adventurers, for in this topsy-turvy journey, clarity is your trusty compass. Without a clear sense of direction, you’re just a lost soul wandering in circles, hoping to stumble upon the exit. And let me tell you, friends, hoping for the best is like relying on a blindfolded toddler to navigate a Lego minefield – not exactly a foolproof strategy! So, buckle up and grab your map, because in the wild and wacky world of autism parenting, we’re going to need a plan! 🗺️🚀


    Documenting the Rollercoaster Ride: 

    Journal to see your child's growth.
    Journal so you can see growth, also it’s proof you’ll make it through hard times!

    You’re armed with a notepad and a cup of coffee, ready to tackle the ever-growing list of concerns about your child’s development. It’s like preparing for battle, except instead of swords and shields, you’ve got highlighters and sticky notes – because nothing says “warrior parent” like color-coded organization, am I right? 📝☕️

    Now, as you wade through the sea of doctor’s appointments and testing, remember that patience is a virtue, my friends. It’s like waiting in line at the amusement park – except instead of thrilling rides, you’re queuing up for evaluations and assessments. And let’s be honest, the only rollercoaster here is the emotional one you’re riding on! 🎢

    But fear not, for in the land of autism parenting, we’re all about proactive planning. So, get your name on every waiting list imaginable – diagnosis, speech therapy, occupational therapy – you name it, we’re on it! It’s like stocking up on snacks before a road trip – you may not need them all, but better safe than sorry, right? And who knows, maybe you’ll get lucky and score a fast pass to the front of the line! 🎟️


    Journaling Through the Ups and Downs:

    Alright, fellow adventurers, buckle up because we’re about to embark on a journaling journey! Now, before you start running for the hills at the mere mention of daily writing (ain’t nobody got time for that!), let me reassure you – I’m right there with you. Who has the energy to document every little detail of their day when they’re busy juggling therapy sessions and meltdowns? 📓✨🤷‍♂️

    But fear not, my friends, for journaling doesn’t have to be a chore. Think of it as your personal time capsule, capturing all the hilarious highs and the chaotic lows of your autism parenting adventure. It’s like creating your own comedy special – except instead of stand-up routines, you’ve got anecdotes about toilet training mishaps and epic bedtime battles. 😂

    And here’s the best part: when you’re knee-deep in the trenches of a particularly rough day, you can crack open that journal and remind yourself of just how far you’ve come. It’s like finding a hidden stash of chocolate when you’re craving a sweet treat – instant mood booster! So go ahead, grab your pen and start scribbling down those memories – trust me, your future self will thank you for it! 🍫🖊️


    Visual Schedules:
    Visual Schedules for young children
    Example of Jakes Schedule when he was younger.

    Alright, fellow navigators of the autism parenting maze, let’s talk home life – the ultimate testing ground for any autism superhero! Now, picture this: you’ve conquered the world of therapies and diagnoses, and you’re feeling pretty darn proud of yourself. But then reality hits you like a ton of bricks – how on earth do you translate all that progress into a happy, harmonious home environment?🏡💥

    Enter visual schedules, the unsung heroes of the autism parenting world! Check out this post for more ideas Help! 3 Ways a schedule can help sensory issues and communication barriers? #Autism Challenges🧩 Now, I’ll be the first to admit, it took me longer than it probably should have to realize just how crucial these schedules are. I mean, sure, they’re not as flashy as superhero capes or as glamorous as unicorn-themed sensory rooms, but boy, do they pack a punch!🦸‍♂️🗓️


    Your Secret Weapon for Family Harmony

    With a visual schedule in hand, Jacob can literally see what his day looks like – no mind-reading required! And here’s the best part: if you play your cards right, you can sneak in a little thing called “choice” into that schedule. That’s right, folks, we’re talking about empowering our little ones to take charge of their own destiny, one sticker at a time! 🌟💼


    The result? A household that runs smoother than a well-oiled machine, with productivity levels that would make even the most organized Martha Stewart green with envy. Gone are the days of anxiety-fueled meltdowns and frustrating communication breakdowns – instead, we’ve got a family dynamic that’s tighter than a pair of superhero spandex! 🦸‍♀️💬


    So, my fellow autism adventurers, if you’re looking to revolutionize your home life and banish chaos to the far corners of the universe, look no further than the humble visual schedule. Trust me, your future self will thank you for it – and hey, who knows, you might just earn yourself a spot in the autism parenting Hall of Fame! 🏆✨

    #Autism Challenges🧩

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  • Thriving Together: 3 Tips for Parents of Energetic Children with Autism. Autism Challenges🧩

    The Energetic Child With Autism!
    Tips for the Energetic Child With Autism!

    Before Jacob’s autism diagnosis, we were bewildered by his lack of attention, clueless about his hyperactivity. But hey, at least he helped with cleaning – albeit based on my tone and body language, not my words! 😅

    Understanding Energetic Behavior:

    Some kids are like perpetual motion machines. If Jacob ever stopped moving, I’d check his temperature! Turns out, high energy in autism can be due to a myriad of factors – genetics, sensory needs, or simply being a kid! 🏃‍♂️

    Not sure if your child has autism? check out this video that talks about the Autism Society. https://www.autismsociety-nc.org/

    Tip 1- Create a Structured Environment:

    Consistency is key! Our days got brighter when we embraced structured routines. With visual schedules, even non-readers like Jacob can follow along. Just keep it simple and predictable, like Jacob’s favorite superhero shirts – they never fail to save the day! 💪

    Check out my previous post to learn more about visual schedules: “How to create a personalized schedule for children with autism”

    Tip 2- Incorporate Physical Activities:

    New Years habit for 2024
    Exercise can be fun with the right gear!

    Exercise isn’t just for the gym – it’s for Jake’s language development too! Who knew bouncing on a rebounder could teach him words? With close captioning and superhero workout shirts, learning is an adventure in itself! 🦸‍♂️

    Remember when you cross midline you are activating the brain and creating new connections because it engages both sides of the brain. Exercise and movement are a win-win for our kids! Windmills are a good exercise that crosses the midline.🕺🏾

    Here is a previous post on incorporating exercise: Our New Years Challenge, the schedule we will use for our new habits!

    Tip 3- Implement Sensory Breaks:

    When the energy’s high, and emotions are frayed, it’s time for a sensory break! From rice bins to water beads, sensory activities are our secret weapon. And as a mom and teacher, I’ve got a sixth sense for recognizing when it’s time to hit pause and recharge! ⏸️

    C onsistant Action forward A lways Celebrate Wins L earning to Create Schedules M indset

    Consistent Action Forward With patience, Always Celebrate Wins, support, Learning to Create Schedules/Procedures without Using a Lot of Language, and Mindset. Use the CALM model and a dash of creativity, parents of energetic children with autism can navigate the highs and lows of parenting with grace and humor. After all, it’s not just about surviving – it’s about thriving together! 🌟

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