Autism community

  • Autism mom support, what happens when being a hands on doesn’t stop at 18?

    This is my mom, the woman who taught me how to be a mom.
    The woman who taught me how to be a mom!

    Hands on Mom

    What happens when you’re an autism mom? Well, the adventure doesn’t always end at 18—it’s a lifelong journey! 🌟

    In our family, everyone’s career paths took a detour. Mom pursued a Master’s in special education, Dad became a firefighter after Jacob’s seizure scare, and big brother Nicholas shifted to a more family-centered career path. Talk about a family affair! 🚒📚

    Being a hands on mom is a 24/7 gig, no doubt. But for autism parents, the journey doesn’t always follow the typical script.

    While other people’s children may pursue a  job, or first apartment, our reality can look a bit different. What happens when the 24/7 doesn’t stop at 18? Let’s navigate this unique path together. 🌟


    Autism Mom Coach

    C onsistant Action forward A lways Celebrate Wins L earning to Create Schedules M indset
    C.A.L.M.-Frameworks for my coaching.

    Entering a new season, I’m transitioning into the role of an Autism Mom Coach. But what does that mean exactly? Think of a coach as someone who helps you improve and learn more. With 26 years of experience raising a child diagnosed with moderate autism, coupled with my background as a public school teacher, I bringing a wealth of knowledge to the table.🧩

    Jacob of course being my best teacher. The whole family pivoted in careers after his diagnosis because we wanted to help him to be the best he could be. We’ve had many years of struggle but we’ve got most of the kinks worked out now. Every season of life is different and we are still learning.


    Educating Jacob

    As the founder of Educating Jacob, my mission is clear: to educate, mentor, and coach moms and parents of children with autism. I aim to guide them toward a life with less frustration and chaos than I experienced as a new mom navigating the complexities of autism. I’m an advocate for children and want to spread Autism Awareness. Click here for my free Guide:


    Autism meltdowns in public

    But what does it really mean to be an autism mom? On a day like Mother’s Day, while others are being celebrated and showered with hugs, some autism moms are facing another day of chaos and frustration. Instead of enjoying family gatherings, they may be dealing with meltdowns and tantrums, unable to partake in simple activities like dining out due to the fear of emotional outbursts.💔😔


    Autism Mom Stress

    Ah, the life of an autism mom—it’s a rollercoaster ride of emotions. I’m thinking of moms this week because today is Mother’s Day.  We had a family vote and opted for picking up dinner and bringing it home. None of us wanted to deal with crowds and wanted to enjoy each other and relax.

    Stress is no stranger to motherhood, but for autism moms, it can be especially intense. The sleepless nights and constant worry take a toll, requiring an extra dose of kindness and grace. It’s a journey that demands strength and perseverance, one that often goes unrecognized.💔😔


    Parent Tag Team

    In this tag team match called Parenthood, my husband David and I have become like tag teammates in the WWE. When one of us is on the brink of losing our cool, the other swoops in to offer support and relief. It’s a dance of understanding and empathy, giving each other the space to regroup and recharge, even if it’s just for a few precious moments alone.

    Discover the power of teamwork and empathy as we navigate the ups and downs of raising a child with autism. 🤝💕


    Raising a child with autism
    Autism is not easy for the child or the family.

    Raising a child with autism involves similar aspirations as raising any child: happiness, independence, and confidence. Each child, including those with autism like Jacob, may navigate different levels of independence, happiness, and confidence.

    While Jacob may not reach the same level of independence as some other children, he still experiences independence, joy and confidence in his own way. As parents, our aim is to support him in developing life skills that enhance his independence to the best of his ability. Every day presents an opportunity to empower him further on his journey.

    Raising a child with autism involves nurturing happiness, independence, and confidence tailored to their unique abilities. We empower our son Jacob to thrive, embracing his strengths and providing structure and support along the way. 🌈💪

    Creating an Environment for Success

    You need to understand your child and create an environment that sets him up for success. Consider the child’s strengths and weaknesses.Jacob’s  biggest weaknesses are in communication and sensory stimulation. We use very little spoken language to redirect behaviors and communicate his work and schedule.

    We use schedules as a way to communicate with him. He needs structure and routine to have less anxiety and we need to tell him our expectations as his parents and family. So visual schedules have been used  since he was young. 

    Unlock your child’s potential by creating environments tailored to their needs.🎨🗓️


    Educator Insights

    As a teacher, I use routines and structure to allow my students to feel safe and learn in my classroom. The main goal is to create a safe space and show children they can learn and become independent. We want them to crave independence and become confident!

    As both an autism mom and educator, I leverage routines and structure to empower students in my classroom. Explore how these strategies create safe, supportive environments where children can thrive and become confident, independent learners. 🏫💡

    Go sign up for a free discovery call with me:

    Download my free guide!:





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  • Feeling isolated, broke, and chaos within the family? You’re not alone!

    Autism Island: 

    Autism Island
    Autism Island, families feel like they are on an isolated island.

    Welcome to Autism Island! Feeling like you’re stranded here? Don’t worry, you’re in good company. It’s a place of isolation, occasional chaos, and surprise financial storms. But hey, we’ve got humor and camaraderie to navigate these turbulent seas of parenting a child with autism.

    Navigating the Island of Isolation:

    Sunday after church visits from friends!
    Sundays after church, time with friends and silly string!

    Ever had that moment when your child plays solo with no friends in sight? Yeah, we’ve all been there. Back in the day, I had these superhero friends who’d drop by after church. Kids played, and Jacob did his solo thing. Fond memories, but boy, do I get the isolation part.

    Now that all the kids are grown, there’s no one coming over after church to eat lunch and hang out. Going out with our friends are tag team matches between my husband and I.

    A Night on the Town? Easier Said Than Done:

    Pic’s of the family over the years during summer!

    Thinking of a night out with friends or a family trip? Sounds easy, right? Well, toss autism into the mix, and it’s like embarking on a complex mission. New places, new routines – it’s practically a city of anxiety. And family gatherings? More like family stress-fests, with constant mental scanning for potential meltdowns or hidden dangers.

    Financial Rollercoaster:

    Financial Worries!
    Financial Worries!

    Now, here’s the sneaky monster – the cost. Therapies, treatments, some not even approved. Insurance? Nope, they just shrugged and left us drowning in bills. I still remember that bloodwork bill that could’ve bought a small car. We couldn’t afford it. Thank heavens for family pitching in!

    P.S. Insurance only covered speech therapy initially, and even that had co-pays. The struggle was real.

    Sharing the Load:

    Ever felt guilty about turning down invites? Let’s stop that nonsense! You’re not alone in the tag-team hustle with your partner. I mean, who wouldn’t love to hit the movies or kick back? But if it’s just not feasible, it’s not. We’ve all been there. Set some boundaries, drop that guilt, and grab a good book, run a soothing bath, or rent a hilarious comedy. You deserve it!

    Beach Trips and “Me” Monsters:
    Family Vacation!
    Family Vacation!

    Family vacations? Sure, we’ve done those. But it’s no leisurely stroll on the beach; it’s more like a 2.5-hour “Are we there yet?” chorus. And when you finally hit the sand, brace yourself for the inflatable alligator incident. Yep, the life of an autism parent is a unique adventure. Ask Granny Jane; she’ll regale you with tales of the inflatable alligator incident. Jake didn’t have one the first year, but guess who got him one the second year?

    The Support Dilemma:

    Respite care – sounds fantastic, right? Well, finding someone you trust, who truly understands your child’s unique needs, is like hunting for treasure. Autistic kids can’t always spill the beans on what happens when you’re not around. The fear of mistreatment is a real concern. Good workers are like hidden gems, and trust is hard-won. We even added cameras at home to ease our minds and check in on Jacob.

    The Uncharted Territory of Autism Parenting:

    So, here I am, in a season where most parents are battling empty nest syndrome. Not me, and guess what? I’m absolutely fine with it. My child needs me. Leaving him alone all day isn’t safe, even though he probably won’t set the house on fire. But you see, he can’t tell friends from foes.

    To all my fellow autism navigators, let’s embrace the chaos, share a laugh about those “me” monsters, and remember, you’re not alone. We’re all on this wild, unpredictable autism island together. We’ll weather the storms and cheer for the small victories. If you need help with schedules check out this post: Keep sailing, my friends! 🌊⚓🏝️

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