
  • 4 Things I Wish I Would Have Known After Getting the Autism Diagnosis

    We all need help and support on this autism journey.

    Autism Diagnosis Tips for Parents

    When I first heard the words “autism diagnosis” for Jacob, my world spun into chaos. I felt like I was fumbling through a fog, unsure of what to do or where to turn. I’m here to share autism diagnosis tips for parents. If you’re reading this, you’re likely on a similar journey, and I want to share four crucial lessons I’ve learned along the way. These strategies have been a beacon of hope and structure for our family, and I hope they can guide you too.

    Autism Tips for Parents Visual Schedules

    What I Wish I Knew:
    Visual schedules are a game-changer for children with autism. This is my big tip for parents getting an autism diagnosis.They provide structure and predictability, helping your child understand what to expect and when.📅 

    Why It’s Important:

    – Reduces Anxiety: Knowing what comes next helps your child feel more secure. For Jacob, having a clear visual schedule transformed his daily experience from chaos to calm. 🧘‍♂️

    – Improves Transition: Visual schedules make it easier for your child to move from one activity to another without meltdowns. Transitions became smoother for Jacob once we implemented this strategy. 🚦

    – Encourages Independence: Your child can learn to follow routines independently. Jacob learned to manage his own day, which boosted his confidence and autonomy. 🏆

    How to Implement:

    – Use images, symbols, or photos to create a daily schedule.
    – Keep it simple and consistent, especially at the beginning.
    – Gradually introduce more complex tasks as your child becomes comfortable.

    Tip: Start with a morning routine and build from there. Consistency is key!


    Build a Strong Support Network 👪

    What I Wish I Knew:
    You’re not in this alone! My next autism diagnosis tip for parents! Building a support network can make a huge difference for you and your child.

    Why It’s Important:

    – Emotional Support: Connect with other parents who understand your journey. This sense of community can be incredibly comforting. 🤝

    – Resource Sharing: Learn from others’ experiences and get advice on therapies and services. Other parents often have insights and tips that can be invaluable. 💡

    – Community Connection: Create a sense of belonging for your child and family. Having a support network helps everyone feel less isolated. 🌍

    How to Implement:

    – Join local and online autism support groups.
    – Connect with professionals who specialize in autism.
    – Reach out to family and friends for support.

    Tip: Don’t hesitate to ask for help when you need it. Support is a powerful tool!


    Prioritize Sensory-Friendly Environments 🧩

    What I Wish I Knew:
    Next, on my list of autism diagnosis tips for parents that battle sensory issues. Children with autism often have unique sensory needs. Creating a sensory-friendly environment can enhance your child’s comfort and ability to learn.

    Why It’s Important:

    – Enhances Focus: Reduces sensory overload, allowing your child to concentrate better. This was crucial for Jacob, who could become overwhelmed by certain stimuli. 🎯

    – Promotes Calmness: A calming environment helps regulate emotions and behavior. A peaceful setting can prevent or de-escalate potential meltdowns. 🌿

    – Supports Development: Sensory-friendly spaces can aid in learning and growth. Jacob thrived in an environment tailored to his sensory needs. 🌱

    How to Implement:

    – Identify your child’s sensory triggers and preferences.
    – Adjust lighting, noise, and textures in your home to suit your child’s needs.
    – Create a designated calm-down area with sensory tools and toys.

    Tip: A simple sensory bin or fidget toy can work wonders for self-regulation!


    Learn and Adapt with Your Child 📚
    Consistency and confidence will come with action! Always learning.

    What I Wish I Knew:
    Every child with autism is unique, and so is their journey. Be prepared to learn and adapt as you discover what works best for your child. Read  👉🏼Autism Diagnosis: My Home Was in Chaos and I Felt Like a Terrible Mom!

    Why It’s Important:

    – Individualized Learning: No one-size-fits-all approach exists. Each child’s needs and strengths are different. Jacob taught us that flexibility and adaptation were key. 🔍

    – Continuous Growth: Your child will change and grow, and your strategies should evolve too. Stay open to new methods and insights. 🌈

    – Parental Empowerment: As you learn alongside your child, you’ll become more empowered and confident in your parenting skills. 💪

    How to Implement:

    – Stay informed about autism research and therapies.
    – Be open to trying new strategies and tools.
    – Embrace the journey and celebrate the unique qualities of your child.

    Tip: Keep a journal to track your child’s progress and reflect on your own growth as a parent. Celebrate your wins too!


    Applying the CALM Framework to Our Journey

    When Jacob was diagnosed, we developed our CALM framework to guide us through the challenges:

    1. Consistent Action Forward (C)
    – Build routines and stick to them. Consistency helps create a stable environment that reduces anxiety.

    2. Always Celebrate Wins (A)
    – Acknowledge every success, no matter how small. Celebrating milestones fosters a positive atmosphere.

    3. Learning to Create Schedules (L)
    – Use visual schedules to bring peace and order. They help your child understand their day and reduce stress.

    4. Mindset Matters (M)
    – Embrace the journey with a positive outlook. Remember, you are your child’s greatest advocate. How does mindset change things when raising a child with autism? 🧩

    CALM over Chaos and frustration!
    Final Thoughts 🌟

    Last, on my list of autism diagnosis tips for parents Raising a child with autism is a journey filled with challenges and triumphs. By applying the CALM framework—Consistent Action, Always Celebrate Wins, Learning to Create Schedules, and Mindset—you can create a nurturing environment where your child can thrive. Remember, you’re not alone in this journey. Together, we can build a brighter future for our children. 💙 Here’s a blog post about an adult diagnosis: https://www.duchessofneverland.com/home/autism-diagnosis

    Feel free to share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below. Let’s support each other on this journey! 📢💬 Want more info, download the ebook! https://educatingjacob.myflodesk.com/tfgvkumbkg

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  • Autism Diagnosis: My Home Was in Chaos and I Felt Like a Terrible Mom!

    My Home Was in Chaos

    Before Jacob’s autism diagnosis, doctors reassured us with comments like, “He’s meeting his other developmental milestones” and “Boys talk later than girls sometimes.” Jacob was 2 years old and still had no language. After a mom fit in the doctor’s office, they finally put in a referral for speech therapy. It took almost 6 months to get into the speech therapist covered by our insurance. After the first visit, she told me to get him tested and into preschool.

    autism mom worry, When I'm afraid, Psalm 56:3
    1 Corinthians 3:11 “For no one can lay a foundation other than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ”


    Autism Diagnosis: The Fear 😔

    Researching autism and therapies!
    Researching and going to approved therapies for autism!

    My confidence as a mom plummeted, and the fear was real. My first son was perfect, with all the typical milestones. It took another 4-6 months to get Jacob tested for autism through the schools and Teacch, who were wonderful and conducted thorough evaluations over several days. The meltdowns at the testing sites stripped the rest of my confidence. I felt like I was being judged by everyone when they happened. I felt clueless.

    Navigating the Early Stages 🍼

    Meanwhile, I learned from watching the speech therapist. Jacob was not comfortable with anyone outside the family. No therapies or testing went well. Jacob was obviously upset to be somewhere other than home. He was a fussy eater, didn’t sleep well at night, frequently had ear infections, then tubes in his ears, and frequent bowel issues. Initially, we blamed the ear infections and eventually had his hearing checked.

    Our home was full of worry by this time. We knew something wasn’t right but didn’t know what or how long it would take to get a handle on it. Jacob now had full-on meltdowns as we tried to get speech therapy and more engagement with him.

    The Diagnosis and Initial Steps 🏫

    Jacob was very independent, probably because he didn’t have language to ask us for things. When Jacob started preschool, he did not engage with the other kids and only with the adults when he needed something. The official diagnosis came in, and Jacob was placed into a self-contained autism room. It was necessary because he had no success in the other room, and the teacher had no clue what to do with him. In the autism self-contained room, the teacher started him on a visual schedule from day one. But, there was only a limited time each child could have, and Jacob was really behind, so we started considering homeschooling.

    The Power of Visual Schedules 📅

    Today's Schedule, Jacob-educatingjacob.com
    Jacob’s earlier schedules could not contain more than 1 item per line.

    From that point on, we used visual schedules at home. I started going to the Teacch office, and they helped me build activities that Jacob could understand without needing language. Now, I can build schedules with work (activities) he needs to do to be a member of the family. He discovered he could learn, do work like the rest of the family, and have activities before movies, trains, toys, etc. Can a schedule help hyperactivity in toddlers? #Autism Challenges🧩

    Finding Our Rhythm 🎬

    It took years to figure things out, and Jacob is still not talking, but we started using movie quotes from movies he liked to see him light up. We were speaking his language. We also started using sign language, which really helped Jacob. Using his hands and the visual of watching someone complete a sign allowed Jacob’s brain to locate the word he wanted to say. He learned basic signs that we used while watching a show called Signing Time. 3 ways American Sign Language helped my son with autism speak in short sentences?

    Gaining Control and Peace 🧘‍♂️

    We have more confidence as parents and peace in the home now. Jacob has a schedule, he can communicate some of his wants and needs, he’s doing schoolwork and chores, and we also started homeschooling him and his brother.

    His brother, Nicholas, is now in graduate school and Jacob is grown and living at home with us today. He still does schoolwork, chores and shopping with us and he is able to do so with less anxiety using schedules. His day is chaotic and anxious without schedules. We are all much happier now.

    A Message to Other Autism Parents 💪

    To all the parents out there feeling the weight of an autism diagnosis and the chaos that follows, know that you are not alone. It’s a journey filled with ups and downs, but with patience, love, and the right strategies, you can create a structured and peaceful environment for your child. Remember, it’s okay to have off days. Just keep moving forward, one step at a time. You’ve got this! 💖

    Feel free to share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below. Want more information? Sign up for my ebook: https://educatingjacob.myflodesk.com/tfgvkumbkg Let’s support each other on this journey! 📢💬

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