parenting tips

  • Ways to have peace? Creating time for yourself, not just your child with autism.

    Welcome to the chaotic yet rewarding journey of parenting a child with autism while creating time for yourself! 🌟 As parents, we often find ourselves tirelessly dedicated to meeting our children’s needs, especially when they require extra support and attention. But amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life, it’s easy to forget one essential component: ourselves.

    Trying to find an Honest Man in Congress

    I’ll be the first to admit, finding time for self-care as a parent of a child with autism can feel like trying to find an honest man in congress. 🧵 But after years of juggling appointments, therapies, and meltdowns, I’ve come to realize that carving out moments of peace for myself is not only beneficial—it’s downright essential.

    Creating Time for Yourself

    In this blog post, I’m excited to share my journey of discovering the importance of self-care and finding peace amidst the chaos of raising a child with autism. So let’s find the humor and practical tips, let’s embark on this adventure together and uncover the joys of creating time for ourselves, not just our children. 💆‍♀️

    Grab Your Favorite Mug

    #coffeeandabook, to relax and unwind I love coffee and a book!

    So grab your favorite mug of coffee (or tea, I won’t judge!), find a cozy spot to sit back, and let’s dive into the wonderful world of self-care for autism parents. Because trust me, you deserve it! I’m trying not to look at the calories in this Starbucks cup. 🍵✨

    The Wonderful World of Parent Swaps
    Pictures of mom and the boys!
    Mom and I always babysat for each other!

    Ah, the wonderful world of parent swaps—where exhaustion meets camaraderie, and sanity is traded like currency. 😅 Back when my mom was still alive, and I was knee-deep in the trenches of parenting with two small kids, one of whom had autism, we had a beautiful arrangement…

    I would help with my dad, he had COPD and needed assistance in the end years. I also, needed moments of running errands without two small children all over me! It was a great time, I loved spending time with my dad and my mom and dad loved spending time with their grandchildren. Win-Win!

    Discovering Peace Amidst the Chaos

    Yet, amidst the chaos and unexpected turns of life, I’ve found peace. 🕊️ I’ve come to accept our journey for what it is and embrace the support system that surrounds us. But perhaps the most significant lesson I’ve learned is this: I need more than just making my son’s life better…

    Prioritizing Spiritual Nourishment
    Trying to keep God first, not just when things go wrong.

    Without dedicating time to nurture my spiritual life, I find myself swimming in a sea of stress and discontent. 🌊 It’s like trying to navigate without a compass—I lose my sense of direction and purpose. So, I make it a priority to carve out moments for prayer, meditation, and reflection…

    Balancing Exercise and Indulgence

    As for exercise, well, let’s just say menopause has hit me like a ton of bricks. 💪 I’m still working on finding the perfect balance between staying active and indulging in a few too many comfort foods. But I’ve come to realize that moving my body and fueling it with nourishing foods are essential…

    Sprinkles on Life’s Sundae

    And let’s not forget about fun and creative activities—they’re like the sprinkles on top of life’s sundae. 🍦 Whether it’s painting, gardening, or belting out karaoke tunes in the living room, these moments of joy keep me feeling young at heart and connected to my inner child… Jacob and David are the DJ’s in the music department. Look at last weeks post on adding a little fun to a gloomy day!

    The Recipe for a Fulfilling Life

    But here’s the thing: it’s not just about me. It’s about ensuring that my entire family—Jacob included—has access to these essential ingredients for a fulfilling life. As the mom, I often find myself playing the role of chief nurturer, ensuring everyone’s needs are met…

    My husband David is great and does his part for the family and supports me too, but I will get lost in the details and plan without time for myself.

    Join the Journey

    So, here’s the game plan: we all need spiritual nourishment, regular exercise, and plenty of fun and creative outlets. It’s the recipe for a life well-lived, ensuring that each member of the family has the tools they need to thrive. 🌟

    We are all trying to include all of these areas into our schedules so that we are all working and fulfilled. 

    Let’s Laugh, Learn, and Dance

    Join me on this journey of creating time for yourself and self-care, where we’ll laugh, learn, and maybe even bust a few dance moves along the way. After all, life’s too short to forget about the most important things that make life worthwhile. 💃✨


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  • How Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder Can Help. #Autism Challenges🧩

    World Autism Awareness Day

    Unraveling the Mysteries of Autism Spectrum Disorder

    Welcome aboard this wild ride through the enigmatic world of  understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder! 🎢 Buckle up as we navigate the twists and turns of this fascinating condition that’s as puzzling as it is captivating.

    Imagine trying to decode the intricate workings of the human mind—it’s like attempting to solve a Rubik’s Cube blindfolded! 🤯 But fear not, fellow explorers, because together, we’re diving headfirst into the depths of ASD to uncover its mysteries.

    From deciphering early signs to exploring the latest research breakthroughs, we’re here to provide you with a roadmap through the labyrinth of ASD. 🗺️ And who knows? Along the way, we might stumble upon some unexpected treasures of neurodiversity that’ll leave us in awe.

    So, whether you’re a parent, educator, or just curious about the wonders of the human mind, hop aboard this adventure with us! 🚀 Together, let’s peel back the layers of Autism Spectrum Disorder and celebrate the beautifully diverse minds that shape our world. 🌟

     Diving into the Depths of ASD

    Welcome to the labyrinth of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), where the human mind becomes a captivating puzzle. Let’s embark on an adventure to understand this complex disorder and unravel its mysteries. From quirky behaviors to unique perspectives, let’s delve into the depths of ASD together.🔍

    Jacob had language delays, sensory issues, he would line toys up and not play with them in an imaginative play. He didn’t play with his brother or other children. We got on several waiting lists and started getting answers when he was in-between 3 and 4 years old.

    The Curious Case of Jacob and ASD

    Jacob’s journey with ASD began with a diagnosis at the tender age of 3 to 4 years old. With the help of the fantastic team at TEACCH, Chapel Hill, we navigated the maze of ASD, one step at a time. Well, sort of. Let’s just say we stumbled through the first steps together, trying to figure out this new world. If you want to check them out for yourself go here:

    ASD: A Spectrum of Possibilities

    ASD isn’t your run-of-the-mill disorder; it’s more like a kaleidoscope of colors, each representing a unique set of challenges and strengths. Jacob’s journey with ASD has been a rollercoaster ride of social interactions, sensory sensitivities, and communication hurdles. But amidst the chaos, there’s a beauty in his uniqueness that shines through.🧩

    Signs and symptoms of ASD can be as subtle as a whisper or as obvious as a marching band. From difficulties in social interaction to sensory sensitivities and repetitive behaviors, it’s like navigating a labyrinth of challenges. It’s a puzzle where each piece reveals a little more of the big picture, but sometimes, it feels like we’re missing a few crucial pieces! 🧩🤔

    Cracking the Code: Causes and Risk Factors
    Learn the Signs of Autism.

    While the exact causes of ASD remain shrouded in mystery, researchers believe it’s a blend of genetics and environmental factors. It’s like trying to solve a riddle with missing pieces – we have clues, but the puzzle isn’t complete yet. Prenatal infections, genetic predispositions, and environmental toxins are just a few pieces of this intricate puzzle.

    Deciphering the Signs and Symptoms

    Signs of ASD can be as diverse as the colors of the rainbow. From social struggles to sensory sensitivities, each symptom tells a story of its own. Jacob’s journey with ASD has been marked by delayed speech, repetitive behaviors, and sensory overload. But hey, who needs long conversations when you’ve got movie quotes to express yourself?🔑

    I have another post that talks about sameness and sensory issues if you’re interested: Tired and Frustrated Mom! Sensory Challenges for the Autism Spectrum

    Navigating the Diagnostic Maze

    Diagnosing ASD isn’t as straightforward as connecting the dots; it’s more like piecing together a jigsaw puzzle. Parents, caregivers, and medical professionals work together to gather clues and unlock the mystery of ASD. Early diagnosis is like finding the missing piece of the puzzle – it’s the key to unlocking a world of support and intervention.🧩

    Tools for Tackling ASD: Treatment Options

    While there’s no magic cure for ASD, there are plenty of tools in our toolkit to help individuals like Jacob thrive. From behavioral therapy to speech and occupational therapy, each tool plays a vital role in shaping a brighter future. It’s like assembling a superhero team to combat the challenges of ASD – with patience, persistence, and a sprinkle of humor.🛠️

    Jacob has learned to live life with less anxiety and stress by using daily schedules that help with his need for sameness and love of routine and structure. It’s amazing for me too because as he is more independent with a schedule and I have a little “me” time.🗓️

    Navigating the ASD Jungle: Support and Resources

    Living with ASD can feel like trekking through a dense jungle, but thankfully, we’re not alone on this journey. From advocacy groups to educational resources, there’s a wealth of support available to guide us through the wilderness. With the help of organizations like the Autism Society and the unwavering support of family and friends, we navigate the twists and turns of ASD with courage and resilience.

    While there may not be a magic cure for ASD, there are plenty of tools and resources to help individuals and families navigate the journey. It’s like building a bridge—one plank at a time—connecting individuals with ASD to the support and services they need to thrive. 🌉💪

    Cracking the Communication Code

    Communication is the key to unlocking the door to connection with individuals on the autism spectrum. With patience, understanding, and a dash of creativity, we bridge the gap and build meaningful connections. So let’s embrace the quirks, celebrate the strengths, and navigate the labyrinth of ASD together, one puzzle piece at a time.🗣️🤝

    Embracing Neurodiversity: Celebrating Uniqueness

    At the end of the day, ASD is not just a diagnosis—it’s a celebration of human diversity. It’s like a tapestry woven from threads of different colors, textures, and patterns, each contributing to the rich tapestry of the human experience. So let’s embrace neurodiversity, celebrate our differences, and build a world where everyone belongs! 🌍🎉

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  • How does mindset change things when raising a child with autism? 🧩

    To move forward with clarity your mindset needs work!
    To move forward with clarity your mindset needs work!

    Unlocking the Power of Mindset: 

    Raising a child with autism is a journey filled with twists, turns, and unexpected challenges. As parents, our mindset plays a pivotal role in how we navigate this path. When confusion and fear cloud our thoughts, taking action can seem daunting. I remember the moment when I first realized Jacob wasn’t speaking and faced the reality of his challenges beyond speech delay. It was a moment filled with devastation and fear. But amidst the uncertainty, I knew one thing for certain: I needed to arm myself with knowledge and understanding to take decisive action. Join me as we explore the transformative power of mindset in the realm of autism parenting.#Autism Challenges

    Just starting with the diagnosis? Check out the Autism Society:


    Navigating Autism Parenting with Clarity and Confidence:

    Ah, the maze of autism parenting! Picture yourself wandering aimlessly, bumping into walls, and occasionally tripping over your own shoelaces. It’s like trying to find your way out of a corn maze blindfolded – a recipe for comedic chaos! But fear not, my fellow adventurers, for in this topsy-turvy journey, clarity is your trusty compass. Without a clear sense of direction, you’re just a lost soul wandering in circles, hoping to stumble upon the exit. And let me tell you, friends, hoping for the best is like relying on a blindfolded toddler to navigate a Lego minefield – not exactly a foolproof strategy! So, buckle up and grab your map, because in the wild and wacky world of autism parenting, we’re going to need a plan! 🗺️🚀


    Documenting the Rollercoaster Ride: 

    Journal to see your child's growth.
    Journal so you can see growth, also it’s proof you’ll make it through hard times!

    You’re armed with a notepad and a cup of coffee, ready to tackle the ever-growing list of concerns about your child’s development. It’s like preparing for battle, except instead of swords and shields, you’ve got highlighters and sticky notes – because nothing says “warrior parent” like color-coded organization, am I right? 📝☕️

    Now, as you wade through the sea of doctor’s appointments and testing, remember that patience is a virtue, my friends. It’s like waiting in line at the amusement park – except instead of thrilling rides, you’re queuing up for evaluations and assessments. And let’s be honest, the only rollercoaster here is the emotional one you’re riding on! 🎢

    But fear not, for in the land of autism parenting, we’re all about proactive planning. So, get your name on every waiting list imaginable – diagnosis, speech therapy, occupational therapy – you name it, we’re on it! It’s like stocking up on snacks before a road trip – you may not need them all, but better safe than sorry, right? And who knows, maybe you’ll get lucky and score a fast pass to the front of the line! 🎟️


    Journaling Through the Ups and Downs:

    Alright, fellow adventurers, buckle up because we’re about to embark on a journaling journey! Now, before you start running for the hills at the mere mention of daily writing (ain’t nobody got time for that!), let me reassure you – I’m right there with you. Who has the energy to document every little detail of their day when they’re busy juggling therapy sessions and meltdowns? 📓✨🤷‍♂️

    But fear not, my friends, for journaling doesn’t have to be a chore. Think of it as your personal time capsule, capturing all the hilarious highs and the chaotic lows of your autism parenting adventure. It’s like creating your own comedy special – except instead of stand-up routines, you’ve got anecdotes about toilet training mishaps and epic bedtime battles. 😂

    And here’s the best part: when you’re knee-deep in the trenches of a particularly rough day, you can crack open that journal and remind yourself of just how far you’ve come. It’s like finding a hidden stash of chocolate when you’re craving a sweet treat – instant mood booster! So go ahead, grab your pen and start scribbling down those memories – trust me, your future self will thank you for it! 🍫🖊️


    Visual Schedules:
    Visual Schedules for young children
    Example of Jakes Schedule when he was younger.

    Alright, fellow navigators of the autism parenting maze, let’s talk home life – the ultimate testing ground for any autism superhero! Now, picture this: you’ve conquered the world of therapies and diagnoses, and you’re feeling pretty darn proud of yourself. But then reality hits you like a ton of bricks – how on earth do you translate all that progress into a happy, harmonious home environment?🏡💥

    Enter visual schedules, the unsung heroes of the autism parenting world! Check out this post for more ideas Help! 3 Ways a schedule can help sensory issues and communication barriers? #Autism Challenges🧩 Now, I’ll be the first to admit, it took me longer than it probably should have to realize just how crucial these schedules are. I mean, sure, they’re not as flashy as superhero capes or as glamorous as unicorn-themed sensory rooms, but boy, do they pack a punch!🦸‍♂️🗓️


    Your Secret Weapon for Family Harmony

    With a visual schedule in hand, Jacob can literally see what his day looks like – no mind-reading required! And here’s the best part: if you play your cards right, you can sneak in a little thing called “choice” into that schedule. That’s right, folks, we’re talking about empowering our little ones to take charge of their own destiny, one sticker at a time! 🌟💼


    The result? A household that runs smoother than a well-oiled machine, with productivity levels that would make even the most organized Martha Stewart green with envy. Gone are the days of anxiety-fueled meltdowns and frustrating communication breakdowns – instead, we’ve got a family dynamic that’s tighter than a pair of superhero spandex! 🦸‍♀️💬


    So, my fellow autism adventurers, if you’re looking to revolutionize your home life and banish chaos to the far corners of the universe, look no further than the humble visual schedule. Trust me, your future self will thank you for it – and hey, who knows, you might just earn yourself a spot in the autism parenting Hall of Fame! 🏆✨

    #Autism Challenges🧩

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  • I’m Questioning Life Choices? I Work With Learning Disabilities?

    Being a Mom of special needs and Special Education Teacher is a lot!

    Questioning My Life Choices!

    Sipping coffee and questioning all my life choices! I am a special education teacher and mother of two boys. The youngest of which has autism. Why did I think it was a good idea to become a special education teacher and then come home to a special needs child?☕️

    To be honest, I just needed to feel I was doing something positive that would benefit my son. On those days when we were home and I was trying to teach him to read and all the things before I became a teacher, I thought, who is going to work this hard to make sure he gets it? I guess you know the answer, me! I’m going to work that hard and you can too! No special degree required. 🤦‍♀️

    Unlocking Potential

    In a world where education is key to success, it is disheartening to see individuals with learning disabilities face challenges in unlocking their full potential. However, with the right strategies and resources, it is possible to provide the support necessary for these individuals to thrive.

    This post delves into the realm of learning disabilities, exploring effective strategies and valuable resources that can make a significant difference in the lives of those with these challenges. From personalized learning plans and schedules to specialized teaching methods, we will uncover the tools and techniques that empower individuals with learning disabilities. 📚

    Jacob has sensory friendly clothes, school work in zippered bags and headphones!

    Let’s shed light on the best practices and approaches for supporting individuals with learning disabilities. Whether you are a teacher, parent, or caregiver, this blog post will equip you with the knowledge and resources needed to help unlock the potential of those with learning disabilities.

    Join us on this journey as we discover the power of understanding, empathy, and supportive strategies in enabling individuals with learning disabilities to reach their full potential.

    Understanding learning disabilities

    Learning disabilities are like solving a puzzle in the dark: challenging but not impossible! They’re not about intelligence, just a different way of processing information. Let’s decode the signs and strategies to support individuals with these unique abilities.🧠🧩

    Signs and symptoms of learning disabilities

    Detecting learning disabilities is like spotting clues in a detective movie . Look out for slow reading, spelling mysteries, and mathematical riddles. And don’t forget the attention to detail: struggles with organization, time management, and memory can be telltale signs! With Jacob it was obvious he had a learning disability because of the lack of language, sensory issues and his need for sameness.🕵️‍♂️

    1. Difficulty understanding and following instructions.
    2. Slow reading or difficulty reading aloud.
    3. Poor spelling and grammar.
    4. Inconsistent or inaccurate mathematical calculations.
    5. Difficulty organizing thoughts or expressing ideas in writing.
    6. Inattention, distractibility, or hyperactivity.
    7. Poor memory or difficulty retaining information.
    8. Struggles with time management and organization.

    Strategies for Success

    Cracking the code of learning disabilities requires a multi-tool approach. Personalized learning plans, multisensory instruction, and assistive technologies are like secret weapons in our toolkit. With a little creativity and a lot of patience, we can decode the challenges and unlock the potential within!🛠️

    Assistive technologies for learning disabilities

    Assistive technologies are like sidekicks in the superhero squad! Text-to-speech software, graphic organizers, and mind mapping tools level the playing field, making learning more accessible for everyone. With these gadgets in hand, individuals with learning disabilities can conquer any academic quest!🦸‍♀️

    Students with Learning Disabilities will likely need Accommodations.
    Accommodations and modifications in the classroom

    Classrooms that provide appropriate accommodations and modifications can create an environment where students with learning disabilities can thrive. Here is a previous post that might help: The best schoolwork jobs and schedules for students at home in 2023! Here are some examples of accommodations and modifications in the classroom:

    1. Extended Time: Allowing extra time for completing assignments, tests, and exams can alleviate the pressure on students with learning disabilities.
    2. Preferential Seating: Placing students with learning disabilities in close proximity to the teacher can help minimize distractions and facilitate better focus.
    3. Visual Supports: Providing visual aids, such as charts, diagrams, and graphic organizers, can enhance understanding and retention of information.
    4. Chunking and Breaking Tasks: Breaking down complex tasks into smaller, manageable steps can help students with learning disabilities approach assignments and projects more effectively.
    5. Alternative Assessments: Offering alternative assessments, such as oral presentations or projects, can provide students with learning disabilities an opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and skills in a format that suits their abilities.

    Resources for parents of individuals with learning disabilities:

    Jacob and I both benefit from the Autism Society of NC. Check them out if you are in NC.

    Navigating the journey of learning disabilities is like embarking on a grand adventure. Parent support groups, educational advocacy organizations, and online workshops are like trusty maps, guiding us through uncharted territories. With these resources in hand, we can navigate the twists and turns with confidence!🚀

    Support services and organizations for individuals with learning disabilities

    Various support services and organizations are dedicated to assisting individuals with learning disabilities. These organizations provide valuable resources, support, and advocacy for individuals and their families. Here are some notable support services and organizations:

    1. The Arc: The Arc is a leading organization that supports individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. They offer a wide range of services, including education, employment, and community support.
    2. National Center for Learning Disabilities (NCLD): NCLD is a trusted resource for individuals with learning disabilities, their families, and educators. They provide information, advocacy, and support through their website, programs, and publications.
    3. Learning Disabilities Association of America (LDA): LDA offers resources, support, and advocacy for individuals with learning disabilities. They provide educational materials, conferences, and training programs for parents, educators, and professionals.
    4. Council for Exceptional Children (CEC): CEC is an international professional organization dedicated to improving educational outcomes for individuals with disabilities. They offer resources, publications, and professional development opportunities for educators and professionals.
    Conclusion: Empowering individuals with learning disabilities
    C onsistant Action forward A lways Celebrate Wins L earning to Create Schedules M indset
    C.A.L.M.-Consistent Action Forward, Always Celebrate Wins, Learn to create schedules!, Mindset.

    Unlocking the potential of individuals with learning disabilities is like discovering hidden treasure: exhilarating and rewarding! By fostering understanding, providing support, and embracing diversity, we can create a world where everyone’s unique abilities are celebrated and valued. Let’s embark on this journey together, unlocking the endless possibilities that lie within!💎#Autism Challenges🧩

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