Scheduling Tips

  • Beyond the Chaos: Scheduling 101 Class for Special Needs Children

    This is Jacob reading a story book that was in his first_then work schedule!

    Beyond the chaos:

    Hold on Tight: The Rollercoaster Begins .  My son Jacob, bless his heart, decides it’s time for an emotional rollercoaster ride, and I’m just here, trying not to fall off the emotional rollercoaster myself. 🎢

    You see, our home, thanks to Jacob’s autism, resembles something like a tornado hit it regularly. Remember that joke about the first child being an angel, and then the second child coming along to prove that theory wrong? Well, autism walked into our lives and said, “Hold my juice box!” Chaos, storms, and frustration, anyone? 🌀 🤪

    Need help regaining your calm? Check out this previous blog post:

    The Colossal Challenges

    These challenges are colossal, like trying to fit a giraffe into a Mini Cooper. 🦒 Feeling isolated, drowning in paperwork, and dealing with doctors and insurance companies become a daily sport.

    Whack-a-Mole: Battling Behaviors with Pool Noodles

    It’s like playing a never-ending game of whack-a-mole, but the moles are challenging behaviors, and the mallet is a pool noodle. 🏊 Oh, and the ticket to the game is depression. Yeah, fun times.🔨

    Mastering the Schedule: Finding Clarity and Flexibility

    Thankfully, my superhero cape-wearing family and friends have kept me from succumbing to a life of perpetual pool noodle whacking. I still get frustrated and depressed sometimes, but now I have my trusty sidekick, “Jacob’s Daily Schedule,” by my side. 📅

    What I needed was the proper mindset, I needed to know why the schedule was important for Jacob and for our family. Then through trial and error I learned to create the perfect schedules for us. It’s always centered around Jacob and how to help him. This keeps our family moving forward.

    You have to get clear on your challenges and then use a simple schedule to start yourself off and build on that until you’ve mastered what is needed. Life is constantly changing and once you’ve learned how to create schedules it’s not hard to course correct and make small changes when needed!🔄🧠


    Roadmap for choices
    Use schedules with built in choice for connection and learning!                                                       

    The Power of Schedules:

    Roadmap to success! Use a schedule, be consistent, and celebrate all wins!

    I used to feel like I was blindfolded, trying to solve a puzzle with shape-shifting pieces. 🧩 Then, I discovered visual schedules, and it was like I found the cheat code to the game of parenting. Schedules are your roadmap!

    Picture this: Jacob and I are now on an epic quest.The sensory challenges are our dragons, and our visual schedules are our treasure maps. And let’s not forget the rewards – stickers, high-fives, maybe even some chocolate. 🍫🛡️ 🗺️

    We’ve turned chores into quests. Jacob, now known as the “Kitchen Crusader,” conquers not just chores, but life itself. As parents, we’re the wizards, guiding our children through the magical world of responsibilities. Let the chore-adventures begin! 🎉✨

    Creating Effective Schedules:

    The zippered bags contain school work and a short book to read.
    Jacob’s daily school bags for the week!

    Visual schedules are like vibrant canvases that promise adventure. It’s like our daily to-do list became a treasure map. For Jacob, chores turned into thrilling quests, and sensory sensitivities were banished like villains from a fairy tale.

    Unlocking the Mysteries of Zippered Bags

    Those zippered bags you see? They’re not just bags; they’re portals to another dimension. One contains school work – the realm of knowledge. Another holds chapter books – the doorway to countless adventures. And the larger garment bags? Well, they’re Jacob’s wardrobe for the week, neatly hung up like a knight’s armor, ready for duty. 🎒 🛡️

    A Week in Advance: Why the Plan Matters

    Everything is planned out a week in advance, and why is that important? Because if Jacob doesn’t have a plan for his day, he will experience anxiety when there are unexpected transitions. Imagine interrupting a grand quest to slay dragons – not a good idea! Plus, with processing language delays, it’s like trying to decipher ancient runes on the fly. 📅 🐉

    Fashion Forward with Clothes Schedules

    The clothes schedule gives him sensory-friendly but decent clothes for the community already picked out. It’s like having a superhero costume ready for action – no fuss, no muss, just heroic flair! 👔 🦸‍♂️

    Ready for Life’s Twists and Turns

    Life gives the unexpected, and our children need to be ready and able to handle the changes. But fear not! With the structure of a schedule, they’re like seasoned adventurers equipped with a map and compass. They can navigate the twists and turns with confidence, knowing that they have a plan in place. 🛤️ 🗺️

    Course Correcting with Ease

    So, when we need to course correct for unexpected transitions, it’s like adjusting the sails on a ship. With the routine of a schedule already in place, it’s not a daunting task; it’s just a gentle nudge in the right direction. Smooth sailing ahead! 🔄 ⛵

    Embracing the Future

    Now, all we need to do is adjust the schedule and let them see what’s coming. It’s a new transition, but easier because it’s within the confines of a routine they’re comfortable with already. With schedules as our trusty guides, the future looks bright, and the adventures ahead are limitless! 🔮 🌟

    If you want to look into some community events that are designed with your children in mind and already set up for success, see if you have an Autism Society locally, If you live in NC, check this out:

    Remember, in this adventure called life, we’re here to help and support each other. Together, we’re stronger. I’m praying for you, my friends! 🌟 #AutismAwareness

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  • The best schoolwork jobs and schedules for students at home in 2023!

    Super Hero, no cape necessary!
    Super Hero, no cape necessary!

    Get Your Special Needs Child Thriving Without a Superhero Cape!

    Hey there, I’m Melissa! If you’re a parent or teacher, you’ve probably faced the wild rollercoaster that is helping a special needs child conquer a world designed for “typical” learners. I’ve been right there in the trenches with you, and trust me, it’s one wild ride! Jacob had schoolwork jobs and schedules both at school and home. They helped him tremendously!

    No Degree? No Problem!

    But hey, here’s the scoop: you don’t need a PhD in Special Education or a secret stash of superpowers to make a real difference in your child’s life.

    The Quest Begins: Finding Direction

    Now, let me whisk you back to the beginning of my adventure. Picture this: my son, Jacob, gets the autism diagnosis, and I’m left feeling like a confused squirrel in a maze.

    The Search for Answers

    So what did I do? Well, what any modern parent would do – I went on a deep dive into the early 2000s internet. And guess what? It left me more befuddled than ever! There were plenty of articles about what led to the diagnosis, but no one handed me a neat, step-by-step guide on how to actually help my kiddo.

    The Power of Support

    Cue the desperate prayers for a superhero to swoop in and save the day. While I didn’t get Thor or Wonder Woman, I was gifted something even better: a superhero squad of family and friends who had my back. They were my rock, my guiding lights on this unexpected journey.

    Educating Jacob: More Than Just a Business

    And out of this chaos, “Educating Jacob” was born. It’s not just a business; it’s a mission to share what worked for us and help you navigate this labyrinth more easily.

    You’re the Hero Too

    You don’t need a fancy degree to be your child’s hero and guide. We’re here to help you turn daily chaos into moments of zen, self-doubt into confidence, and meltdowns into triumphs. You too, can be a part of the schoolwork jobs and schedules for students at home club!

    Schedules are a way to communicate, set routines and change routines!
    Schedules are a way to communicate, set routines and change routines!

    The Power of Schedules

    Our secret weapon? Schedules. These nifty tools bring structure, calm, and sanity into your home or classroom. Need help with this? Check out this blog post:

    Take Back Your Space

    They’ve been a game-changer for us, and I’m here to spill the beans on how they can be your secret weapon too. Get ready to take back your space, ditch the chaos, and let the learning extravaganza begin!

    Schoolwork Jobs: The Confidence Builders

    Now, let’s dive into the good stuff: schoolwork jobs. Think of these as mini superpowers that not only teach responsibility but also make your child feel like a rockstar.

    The ‘Line Leader’ – The Maestro of Marching

    Picture your kiddo confidently leading their classmates in a merry parade through the classroom, setting the pace, and ensuring the smoothest transitions ever.

    The ‘Door Holder’ – The Courteous Captain

    In the classroom, this champ holds the door open for pals, showing courtesy and care.

    The ‘Pencil Sharpener’ – The Artisan of Order

    Meet the unsung hero of classroom readiness! This superstar keeps those pencils sharp and ready for action.

    Home Jobs: Where Responsibility Blossoms

    Now, let’s bring the school magic to your home:

    Trash Taker-Outer’ – The Cleanliness Connoisseur

    Just like the Line Leader takes charge in the classroom, the ‘Trash Taker-Outer’ is the cleanliness captain at home.

    ‘Room Cleaner’ – The Tidiness Titan

    At school, the Pencil Sharpener keeps things sharp. At home, the ‘Room Cleaner’ takes on a similar role.

    Dirty Clothes Depositor’ – The Laundry Luminary. The room looks so nice when it’s picked up and laundry is ready to carry to the washing machine.

    Just like the Door Holder, this superstar exudes consideration.

    Home-School Relationships: Schedules to the Rescue. Schedules let the child know exactly what is expected and when they will be done! We all want to know how are day is going to go.

    The Key to Success
    First-Then schedules
    Start with a simple First-Then schedule.

    With schedules, your child will understand what’s expected, manage time like a pro, and build the consistency that special needs kids thrive on. Still stuck? Look at this post:

    Smooth Sailing Ahead

    With these tools – schoolwork jobs, home tasks, and the magic of schedules – you’re in for a 2023 full of smooth sailing. Stay tuned for more tips and tricks to make this year a roaring success!

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