Visual Schedules

  • Memorial Day Weekend Fun but your child with autism doesn’t do transitions!

    Ah, Memorial Day weekend—the promise of family, relaxation, and endless fun! While some are beach-bound, I’m embracing the staycation vibes (thanks, budget!). But here’s the twist: my son Jacob adores the beach, yet transitions? Not his forte. When you have a child with autism who doesn’t do transitions, you need help.

    So, how do we tackle this? Back in the day, it was all about car bags—packed with books, coloring books, and a trusty portable DVD player for those marathon car rides. Let’s dive into how to navigate transitions with humor, practicality, and maybe a sprinkle of beach magic for good measure. 🏖️

    Child With Autism 

    Transition activities can be a real game-changer when it comes to planning outings with your child with autism. Take, for instance, our beach trips. We’d start prepping the day before, chatting excitedly about the sandy shores and gathering up clothes and toys. Jacob used to love the whole packing ordeal—until it morphed into a 5-minute cycle of asking “beach?” on repeat until we actually arrived at the beach house. 🏖️

    Ah, the joys of parenting a child with autism—it’s like being on a rollercoaster ride where you’re never quite sure if you’re going up or down! But hey, every hiccup is a learning experience, right? The first time is always the toughest, so brace yourself for a bit of turbulence. But fear not, fellow parents, because we’ve got a few tricks up our sleeves.

    Visual Schedule For Child With Autism

    Visual aids are your new best friend. Seriously, they’re like magic potions that can turn chaos into calm faster than you can say “beach day.” Create simple visuals that signal the transition—whether it’s a picture of the beach, a packed bag, or even just hopping in the car after putting on beach shorts. Anything to give your child a visual roadmap of what’s to come.

    Parents who homeschool might want to checkout my previous posts on schedules:3 Ways Jacob’s Monthly Calendar and Daily Schedule Work on Autism Island!

    Sensory Toys For Autism

    And hey, why not make it fun while you’re at it? Turn packing into a game, complete with silly songs and maybe even a dance-off or two. The more enjoyable you can make the transition, the smoother it’ll be for everyone involved. Plus, who doesn’t love a little impromptu dance party, am I right? 💃

    Children with autism often have sensory needs that fidgets and the right clothes can help calm. Figure out what works best for your child, having a plan and creating a great environment will calm the chaos.

    Social Stories For Autism

    Ah, the power of social stories and videos—the secret weapons in our arsenal of autism parenting hacks! 📚🎥 When it comes to prepping Jake for a big adventure like the beach, these tools are absolute lifesavers. 

    Social stories are great for all children with autism but if you’re homeschooling it is amazing here is an article you might like on homeschooling.

    Storybooks For Teaching

    Jake eagerly flipping through a storybook filled with colorful illustrations of sandy beaches and crashing waves, his excitement building with each turn of the page. 🌊 Or better yet, him glued to the screen, watching a video montage of all the fun activities we have in store for our beach day. Talk about anticipation at its finest!

    But here’s the best part: these social stories and videos aren’t just one-time wonders. Oh no, they’re like the gift that keeps on giving. We can incorporate them into Jake’s schoolwork for the week leading up to our beach trip, turning anticipation into a full-blown educational experience. 📝 And hey, who says learning can’t be fun?

    And let’s not forget about getting creative! Whether it’s crafting our own personalized social stories or shooting a DIY video showcasing all the beach essentials, the possibilities are endless. So grab your phone, gather up some props, and let your imagination run wild! 🎬

    Autism Trip Checklist:

    1: Transition activities- when planning outings with your child who struggles with transitions. Take our beach trips, for example. Starting preparations the day before, we chat excitedly about the sandy shores and gather clothes and toys.  🏖️

    2: Visual Schedules- these guide your child with autism through transitions. Visual aids are essential for smoother transitions. Create simple visuals—a picture of the beach, a packed bag, or hopping in the car—to give your child a visual roadmap of what’s to come.

    3; Sensory Toys- making transitions fun for children with autism.Turn packing into a fun game with silly songs and maybe even a dance-off. The more enjoyable the transition, the smoother it’ll be for everyone involved. 💃

    4: Social Stories for Autism- prepare your child for adventures. Social stories and videos are lifesavers for prepping your child, like Jake, for big adventures like the beach. Incorporate them into your child’s schoolwork for an educational and anticipatory experience. Everyone today video on their phone, use it!

    5: Engage Your Child with Autism- from storybooks for teaching, with colorful illustrations of sandy beaches to videos and fidgets include them all! Social stories and videos are gifts that keep on giving. Incorporate them into your child’s schoolwork for an educational and anticipatory experience. Create Hype!!

    Autism travel checklist
    Grab some transition items and make them fun!
    Tips for Parents Of Children With Autism

    Mastering transitions with creativity! Craft personalized social stories or shoot DIY videos showcasing beach essentials. With creativity and the right tools, daunting transitions can become exciting adventures.

    Finding Joy In Parenting A Child With Autism

    Here’s to embracing the chaos, finding joy in the journey, and making memories that last a lifetime. After all, isn’t that what parenting is all about? Take a moment to assess the chaos, jot down where things are falling apart, and then get scrappy and creative. With a solid plan and structure, you’ll find your way through! 🚀

    So there you have it, folks—our tried and true formula for mastering transitions like a boss. With a little help from social stories, videos, and a healthy dose of creativity, we can turn even the most daunting transitions into exciting adventures. #autismchallenges🧩

    Want more? Download my free guide

    Educating Jacob, free guide
    Click the link and download the free guide!


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  • How does mindset change things when raising a child with autism? 🧩

    To move forward with clarity your mindset needs work!
    To move forward with clarity your mindset needs work!

    Unlocking the Power of Mindset: 

    Raising a child with autism is a journey filled with twists, turns, and unexpected challenges. As parents, our mindset plays a pivotal role in how we navigate this path. When confusion and fear cloud our thoughts, taking action can seem daunting. I remember the moment when I first realized Jacob wasn’t speaking and faced the reality of his challenges beyond speech delay. It was a moment filled with devastation and fear. But amidst the uncertainty, I knew one thing for certain: I needed to arm myself with knowledge and understanding to take decisive action. Join me as we explore the transformative power of mindset in the realm of autism parenting.#Autism Challenges

    Just starting with the diagnosis? Check out the Autism Society:


    Navigating Autism Parenting with Clarity and Confidence:

    Ah, the maze of autism parenting! Picture yourself wandering aimlessly, bumping into walls, and occasionally tripping over your own shoelaces. It’s like trying to find your way out of a corn maze blindfolded – a recipe for comedic chaos! But fear not, my fellow adventurers, for in this topsy-turvy journey, clarity is your trusty compass. Without a clear sense of direction, you’re just a lost soul wandering in circles, hoping to stumble upon the exit. And let me tell you, friends, hoping for the best is like relying on a blindfolded toddler to navigate a Lego minefield – not exactly a foolproof strategy! So, buckle up and grab your map, because in the wild and wacky world of autism parenting, we’re going to need a plan! 🗺️🚀


    Documenting the Rollercoaster Ride: 

    Journal to see your child's growth.
    Journal so you can see growth, also it’s proof you’ll make it through hard times!

    You’re armed with a notepad and a cup of coffee, ready to tackle the ever-growing list of concerns about your child’s development. It’s like preparing for battle, except instead of swords and shields, you’ve got highlighters and sticky notes – because nothing says “warrior parent” like color-coded organization, am I right? 📝☕️

    Now, as you wade through the sea of doctor’s appointments and testing, remember that patience is a virtue, my friends. It’s like waiting in line at the amusement park – except instead of thrilling rides, you’re queuing up for evaluations and assessments. And let’s be honest, the only rollercoaster here is the emotional one you’re riding on! 🎢

    But fear not, for in the land of autism parenting, we’re all about proactive planning. So, get your name on every waiting list imaginable – diagnosis, speech therapy, occupational therapy – you name it, we’re on it! It’s like stocking up on snacks before a road trip – you may not need them all, but better safe than sorry, right? And who knows, maybe you’ll get lucky and score a fast pass to the front of the line! 🎟️


    Journaling Through the Ups and Downs:

    Alright, fellow adventurers, buckle up because we’re about to embark on a journaling journey! Now, before you start running for the hills at the mere mention of daily writing (ain’t nobody got time for that!), let me reassure you – I’m right there with you. Who has the energy to document every little detail of their day when they’re busy juggling therapy sessions and meltdowns? 📓✨🤷‍♂️

    But fear not, my friends, for journaling doesn’t have to be a chore. Think of it as your personal time capsule, capturing all the hilarious highs and the chaotic lows of your autism parenting adventure. It’s like creating your own comedy special – except instead of stand-up routines, you’ve got anecdotes about toilet training mishaps and epic bedtime battles. 😂

    And here’s the best part: when you’re knee-deep in the trenches of a particularly rough day, you can crack open that journal and remind yourself of just how far you’ve come. It’s like finding a hidden stash of chocolate when you’re craving a sweet treat – instant mood booster! So go ahead, grab your pen and start scribbling down those memories – trust me, your future self will thank you for it! 🍫🖊️


    Visual Schedules:
    Visual Schedules for young children
    Example of Jakes Schedule when he was younger.

    Alright, fellow navigators of the autism parenting maze, let’s talk home life – the ultimate testing ground for any autism superhero! Now, picture this: you’ve conquered the world of therapies and diagnoses, and you’re feeling pretty darn proud of yourself. But then reality hits you like a ton of bricks – how on earth do you translate all that progress into a happy, harmonious home environment?🏡💥

    Enter visual schedules, the unsung heroes of the autism parenting world! Check out this post for more ideas Help! 3 Ways a schedule can help sensory issues and communication barriers? #Autism Challenges🧩 Now, I’ll be the first to admit, it took me longer than it probably should have to realize just how crucial these schedules are. I mean, sure, they’re not as flashy as superhero capes or as glamorous as unicorn-themed sensory rooms, but boy, do they pack a punch!🦸‍♂️🗓️


    Your Secret Weapon for Family Harmony

    With a visual schedule in hand, Jacob can literally see what his day looks like – no mind-reading required! And here’s the best part: if you play your cards right, you can sneak in a little thing called “choice” into that schedule. That’s right, folks, we’re talking about empowering our little ones to take charge of their own destiny, one sticker at a time! 🌟💼


    The result? A household that runs smoother than a well-oiled machine, with productivity levels that would make even the most organized Martha Stewart green with envy. Gone are the days of anxiety-fueled meltdowns and frustrating communication breakdowns – instead, we’ve got a family dynamic that’s tighter than a pair of superhero spandex! 🦸‍♀️💬


    So, my fellow autism adventurers, if you’re looking to revolutionize your home life and banish chaos to the far corners of the universe, look no further than the humble visual schedule. Trust me, your future self will thank you for it – and hey, who knows, you might just earn yourself a spot in the autism parenting Hall of Fame! 🏆✨

    #Autism Challenges🧩

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  • No Schedule for Jacob to Use This Week? No Peace! Autism Challenges 🧩

    The Importance of Managing Autism Routines and Schedules 🧩

    We all have off days or weeks, and I’m no different. At the beginning of this journey, I didn’t have routines or scheduled activities for Jacob. I just didn’t know any better. We have to be able to manage autism routines when our children are not able to manage their day without meltdowns or chaos.

    But now that I do, I understand the importance of always having a schedule and plans for Jacob. With consistent routines, the chaos is gone. 🌟

    managing autism routines with schedules, day by day roadmap
    Roadmap to success! Use a schedule. Be consistent, celebrate all wins!

    The Power of the Schedule

    managing autism routines with schedules, Jacob's clothes need to be on the schedule
    Pack the sensory friendly clothes, work and headphones!

    📅 We know that schedules help keep down anxiety, aid with emotional regulation, and help Jacob enjoy his day, just to name a few of the huge benefits. So, what happens when I’ve had a yucky day, and now it’s time to fill the zipper bags for the weekly work? Or, I didn’t put the haircut, manicure, and pedicure on the monthly schedule, and now it’s needed, and I’m not in the mood to complete these tasks???

    Managing Unplanned Changes

    📆 Well, normally I can just show him the monthly calendar and add the haircut to the following day, and he’s okay with that. But if the nails are too long and bothering him, he will probably pick at them. This can be a big problem because Jacob easily gets ingrown toenails, and he will pick if it’s bothering him. See this previous post:3 ways to help your child on the autism spectrum navigate doctor visits more smoothly

    managing autism routines with schedules, Jakes manicures need to be on the schedule
    Jacob’s big toe became infected due to picking at skin around toenail that was bothering him.

    Managing Autism Routines

    🔧 Now, I just caused a major problem because I didn’t have my act together today. That’s just one example of life falling apart because I just let the schedule go and didn’t do my part. Also, if it’s not done and I’m grumpy because he’s not handling his day well, then I also know it’s partly my fault. Now, if I can fix and get us back on track, then, of course, I do.

    🔄 If, however, he spirals into an emotional meltdown and dances on everyone’s last nerve and gets in trouble before I can course correct, then I have to punish him by taking away his ability to buy his Amazon purchase at the end of the week for completing work and having a great week.

    Consistency Is Key

    🚫 If I’m not consistent in rewarding good behavior and holding back rewards when he hasn’t stayed in check, then the whole system breaks down.

    🤷‍♀️ Now, if I have to punish by not allowing the Amazon purchase he’s supposed to get on Friday, I feel incredibly guilty because I know I could have helped him more by having that schedule and work in place to guide his week.

    📝 Sometimes though, life gets in the way. You start thinking he’s so used to the schedule he’ll be alright for one day. Maybe you just plain forget because you’re tired or sick. Just self-correct as soon as possible and get on track so your child is set up for success. Because you don’t want to carry guilt that you could have possibly prevented the whole scenario!

    Give Yourself Some Grace

    💖 Give yourself some grace. Remember if you don’t have a plan for your child, they will have one for you!

    So, let’s keep those schedules in check and ensure our days are filled with structure and peace.

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  • Our New Years Challenge, the schedule we will use for our new habits!

    Hey there fellow parents and teachers! 🚀

    So, it’s that time of year again when we dust off our resolutions and set out to conquer schedules for super habits. 🎉 But let’s be real, folks, making New Year’s resolutions can sometimes feel like trying to organize a super-villain convention: chaotic, overwhelming, and filled with unexpected plot twists.

    Well, this year, I’m approaching it a bit differently, with a dash of humor and a sprinkle of superhero inspiration, because, let’s face it, life is way more fun with a little laughter and some superhero vibes. 

    Atomic Habits

    But fear not! I’ve been doing some reading, and I’m all fired up thanks to James Clear’s “Atomic Habits.” 💪 If you haven’t checked it out yet, it’s like the superhero manual for mastering habits.

    Jacob’s a superhero aficionado. You name it, he’s into it. Marvel, DC, you get the drift. And me, I’m a bona fide “boy mom” who prefers action and comedy over drama any day (except during the holiday season when sappiness is allowed).

    But I digress. What I’m getting at is this: I’m taking a leaf out of Jacob’s book, quite literally. I’m going to use one of his visual schedules to cultivate some new habits for myself. Simple, right?

    Jacob’s new items to the schedule is straightforward: add green vegetables daily, budget money, exercise. It’s about focusing on what works and making it a habit. Remember what we talked about last week? Don’t complicate things; use more of what works and keep it simple. Can’t remember here’s a link to last weeks post: 3 New Year’s resolutions for the family? Lol, they have to do with autism and schedules!

    New items to add to the daily schedule
    These 3 items will be added to the daily schedule!

    It’s advice we’ve all heard countless times – keep it simple. And you know what? It’s absolutely true. If a schedule or habit is too complicated, we won’t experience enough success to make a lasting change.

    🎬 So, why not apply the magic of schedules to our New Year’s challenge?

    Unlocking Super Habits – Jacob’s Way

    Make exercise fun!
    Make exercise fun!

    Jacob’s schedule will be a breeze: eat more green veggies, manage his budget (he’s quite the financial wizard), and keep up with his daily exercise (which often involves impressive superhero moves). 🥦💰💪

    And for me? Well, I’ve learned that sometimes, simpler is better. No need to create complicated, Avengers-level schedules for ourselves. 🦸‍♀️🦸‍♂️

    Unlocking Super Habits – My Way

    3 New Habits for 2024
    3 New Habits for 2024, that I want as a daily task that I do automatically.

    Now, let’s talk about my new habits and schedule. I’m keeping it simple, just like Jacob’s. My schedule will include read my bible, exercise, and work on my business. It’s a back-to-basics approach, reminiscent of the schedules I used when Jake was just a little guy of 4 or 5.

    Remember that post by Mel Robbins where she shared a simple schedule? It caught my eye, and I couldn’t help but comment, “Yes!” Why complicate things if something works and is simple? Sometimes, less really is more.

    So, here’s the deal – I’m inviting you to join us in this challenge. Let’s use the same simple schedule, just like the good ol’ days, to add some new habits that will supercharge our 2024. Tag us in your posts on Instagram or Facebook; let’s share this journey together.🏋️‍♀️🥗💼

    Remember, it’s all about building on what works. Just like in a good superhero sequel, we should reflect on our successes and do more of that. No need to complicate things. 🎥

    We’ve all heard the advice to “keep it simple,” and trust me, it’s superhero wisdom! If it’s simple and it works, that’s all you need. 🙌

    Quest for better habits in 2024

    So, there you have it, fellow superheroes in the making. It’s time to simplify, to unlock those super habits for 2024. No capes required, just a simple schedule and the determination to make positive changes.

    Let’s embark on this adventure together, just like the heroes we are. Here’s to laughter, simplicity, and a fantastic year ahead. Stay tuned for updates, and don’t forget to tag us in your posts. Let’s rock this year like the superheroes we were born to be.

    Our challenge to you: Join us in the quest for better habits in 2024! Create your own simple schedule and tag us on Instagram or Facebook. Let’s support each other on this journey to super habits and a super year ahead. 🌟💥 #SuperHabits2024

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