The Energetic Child With Autism!
Tips for the Energetic Child With Autism!

Before Jacob’s autism diagnosis, we were bewildered by his lack of attention, clueless about his hyperactivity. But hey, at least he helped with cleaning – albeit based on my tone and body language, not my words! 😅

Understanding Energetic Behavior:

Some kids are like perpetual motion machines. If Jacob ever stopped moving, I’d check his temperature! Turns out, high energy in autism can be due to a myriad of factors – genetics, sensory needs, or simply being a kid! 🏃‍♂️

Not sure if your child has autism? check out this video that talks about the Autism Society.

Tip 1- Create a Structured Environment:

Consistency is key! Our days got brighter when we embraced structured routines. With visual schedules, even non-readers like Jacob can follow along. Just keep it simple and predictable, like Jacob’s favorite superhero shirts – they never fail to save the day! 💪

Check out my previous post to learn more about visual schedules: “How to create a personalized schedule for children with autism”

Tip 2- Incorporate Physical Activities:

New Years habit for 2024
Exercise can be fun with the right gear!

Exercise isn’t just for the gym – it’s for Jake’s language development too! Who knew bouncing on a rebounder could teach him words? With close captioning and superhero workout shirts, learning is an adventure in itself! 🦸‍♂️

Remember when you cross midline you are activating the brain and creating new connections because it engages both sides of the brain. Exercise and movement are a win-win for our kids! Windmills are a good exercise that crosses the midline.🕺🏾

Here is a previous post on incorporating exercise: Our New Years Challenge, the schedule we will use for our new habits!

Tip 3- Implement Sensory Breaks:

When the energy’s high, and emotions are frayed, it’s time for a sensory break! From rice bins to water beads, sensory activities are our secret weapon. And as a mom and teacher, I’ve got a sixth sense for recognizing when it’s time to hit pause and recharge! ⏸️

C onsistant Action forward A lways Celebrate Wins L earning to Create Schedules M indset

Consistent Action Forward With patience, Always Celebrate Wins, support, Learning to Create Schedules/Procedures without Using a Lot of Language, and Mindset. Use the CALM model and a dash of creativity, parents of energetic children with autism can navigate the highs and lows of parenting with grace and humor. After all, it’s not just about surviving – it’s about thriving together! 🌟