Autism parenting

  • How Simple Planning Ahead Can Save the Day When Working with Someone Who Has Autism!

    Simple planning ahead can save the day with Autism
    Lets Plan Ahead when using schedules for Autism!

    As a mom and teacher of children with special needs, one thing I’ve learned is this: Simple planning ahead can save the day with Autism. When it comes to individuals with autism, you need to have a plan, or they will surely have a plan for you. Simple planning ahead can save the day with Autism. And trust me, it’s probably not the kind of plan you’ll enjoy. Picture this: chaos, whining, and possibly even meltdowns – not exactly the recipe for a smooth day. 😬

    Raising and teaching my son, Jacob, has been a journey filled with surprises. It’s shown me that while anything is possible, introducing something new can often be met with resistance, especially when autism or special needs are involved. The key is preparation. You’ve got to prepare for anything new because transitions and unknowns can be particularly challenging for individuals on the autism spectrum. 🧩 🌟

    Whether it’s a new meal 🍽️, a different outfit 👕, schoolwork 📚, or a doctor’s visit 🏥, if there’s anything new on the horizon, I’ve got a simple plan. It’s a strategy that helps reduce anxiety and make the unfamiliar seem a little less daunting.

    Planning ahead use a Visual Schedule

    Step 1:

    First, I scout for a YouTube video on the topic. Can’t find one? Well, sometimes, you’ve got to put on your creative hat and make one yourself. Visual resources can be a game-changer. They provide a clear, visual explanation of what to expect, which can significantly reduce anxiety. 🎥

    Create a Simple Schedule 🗓️

    Step 2:

    Simple planning ahead can save the day with Autism
    3 New Habits for 2024, that I want as a daily task that I do automatically.

    Next, I create a simple schedule. This schedule outlines the task or activity, step by step, in a clear and understandable way. It’s like having a roadmap for the day’s journey. 🛤️

    Step 3:

    Plan ahead with Autism and Model the New Activity or Routine 🚶

    Now, here’s where the magic happens. I model the new activity or routine a day or several days before we actually want to introduce it. Modeling helps familiarize Jacob with what to expect and how to go about it. It’s like a dress rehearsal for the main event. 💃

    Keep it Simple:

    The key here is not to rush the process. Think of it as setting the stage for success. Going in without a plan or hurrying through it is a surefire way to invite chaos, whining, or meltdowns – things we’d all rather avoid. 😅

    Recently, Jacob and I embarked on a New Year’s challenge. We each decided to add three tasks to our daily routine. But here’s the trick: we wanted these new habits to be easy to implement. So, we each created simple lists that can be checked off or visual schedules that allow us to mark tasks as done quickly and easily. ✅

    Want to join our challenge? Read about it here and then tag us on FB or InstagramOur New Years Challenge, the schedule we will use for our new habits!

    Make it Fun:

    Simple planning ahead can save the day with Autism, even with exercise
    Have a simple plan and makde it fun!

    To make things even more fun, I designed my visual schedule to match Jacob’s. Since we’re using the same format, I can model what I want him to do. Jacob is no stranger to this type of schedule – we’re bringing in something that works. Plus, having the same type of schedule adds a playful twist to our daily routine. 🤪

    So, whether you’re introducing something new to your child or even tackling your own challenges (hello, New Year’s resolutions 🎉), remember this: simple planning ahead can save the day and be your secret weapon. Visual resources and schedules are your allies, and modeling is your key to success. Don’t rush the process, and soon, you’ll find that even the most daunting tasks can become part of your everyday routine. Cheers to a smoother, less chaotic day! 🥂

    Want more? Sign up for the ebook 👉

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  • Our New Years Challenge, the schedule we will use for our new habits!

    Hey there fellow parents and teachers! 🚀

    So, it’s that time of year again when we dust off our resolutions and set out to conquer schedules for super habits. 🎉 But let’s be real, folks, making New Year’s resolutions can sometimes feel like trying to organize a super-villain convention: chaotic, overwhelming, and filled with unexpected plot twists.

    Well, this year, I’m approaching it a bit differently, with a dash of humor and a sprinkle of superhero inspiration, because, let’s face it, life is way more fun with a little laughter and some superhero vibes. 

    Atomic Habits

    But fear not! I’ve been doing some reading, and I’m all fired up thanks to James Clear’s “Atomic Habits.” 💪 If you haven’t checked it out yet, it’s like the superhero manual for mastering habits.

    Jacob’s a superhero aficionado. You name it, he’s into it. Marvel, DC, you get the drift. And me, I’m a bona fide “boy mom” who prefers action and comedy over drama any day (except during the holiday season when sappiness is allowed).

    But I digress. What I’m getting at is this: I’m taking a leaf out of Jacob’s book, quite literally. I’m going to use one of his visual schedules to cultivate some new habits for myself. Simple, right?

    Jacob’s new items to the schedule is straightforward: add green vegetables daily, budget money, exercise. It’s about focusing on what works and making it a habit. Remember what we talked about last week? Don’t complicate things; use more of what works and keep it simple. Can’t remember here’s a link to last weeks post: 3 New Year’s resolutions for the family? Lol, they have to do with autism and schedules!

    New items to add to the daily schedule
    These 3 items will be added to the daily schedule!

    It’s advice we’ve all heard countless times – keep it simple. And you know what? It’s absolutely true. If a schedule or habit is too complicated, we won’t experience enough success to make a lasting change.

    🎬 So, why not apply the magic of schedules to our New Year’s challenge?

    Unlocking Super Habits – Jacob’s Way

    Make exercise fun!
    Make exercise fun!

    Jacob’s schedule will be a breeze: eat more green veggies, manage his budget (he’s quite the financial wizard), and keep up with his daily exercise (which often involves impressive superhero moves). 🥦💰💪

    And for me? Well, I’ve learned that sometimes, simpler is better. No need to create complicated, Avengers-level schedules for ourselves. 🦸‍♀️🦸‍♂️

    Unlocking Super Habits – My Way

    3 New Habits for 2024
    3 New Habits for 2024, that I want as a daily task that I do automatically.

    Now, let’s talk about my new habits and schedule. I’m keeping it simple, just like Jacob’s. My schedule will include read my bible, exercise, and work on my business. It’s a back-to-basics approach, reminiscent of the schedules I used when Jake was just a little guy of 4 or 5.

    Remember that post by Mel Robbins where she shared a simple schedule? It caught my eye, and I couldn’t help but comment, “Yes!” Why complicate things if something works and is simple? Sometimes, less really is more.

    So, here’s the deal – I’m inviting you to join us in this challenge. Let’s use the same simple schedule, just like the good ol’ days, to add some new habits that will supercharge our 2024. Tag us in your posts on Instagram or Facebook; let’s share this journey together.🏋️‍♀️🥗💼

    Remember, it’s all about building on what works. Just like in a good superhero sequel, we should reflect on our successes and do more of that. No need to complicate things. 🎥

    We’ve all heard the advice to “keep it simple,” and trust me, it’s superhero wisdom! If it’s simple and it works, that’s all you need. 🙌

    Quest for better habits in 2024

    So, there you have it, fellow superheroes in the making. It’s time to simplify, to unlock those super habits for 2024. No capes required, just a simple schedule and the determination to make positive changes.

    Let’s embark on this adventure together, just like the heroes we are. Here’s to laughter, simplicity, and a fantastic year ahead. Stay tuned for updates, and don’t forget to tag us in your posts. Let’s rock this year like the superheroes we were born to be.

    Our challenge to you: Join us in the quest for better habits in 2024! Create your own simple schedule and tag us on Instagram or Facebook. Let’s support each other on this journey to super habits and a super year ahead. 🌟💥 #SuperHabits2024

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  • Autism and the Holidays: Shaping the Season with a Positive Mindset

    autism and holidays, Relax with a date night to kick off the holiday month!
    Date Night! #ZachWilliams

    Ah, the early years of dealing with autism, how to have autism and holidays? The days were a rollercoaster of emotions – anxiety, stress, depression, and yes, let’s not forget the ever-present financial strain from therapies not covered by insurance. But hey, welcome to the world of parenting a child with autism, right?

    Rolling in the Memories 🎢

    family and christmas time
    Jacob’s dad David and Older brother Nicholas!

    Fast forward a couple of decades, and I’ve not only survived numerous family holidays but also successfully guided my students through adapting to change and finding joy along the way.

    From those early, challenging years to the present day, I’ve learned that having a plan and setting boundaries for myself and my son can turn the holiday season into a time of joy and happiness. I’ve realized that, just like my son, I need structure during this bustling time of year. It’s all about keeping my own days from falling apart, because when they do, well, let’s just say it’s like inviting old pals Anxiety, Stress, and Depression back into my life. And we’re not on speaking terms anymore! Let’s make a plan for autism and holidays. Why these 3 boundaries are desperately needed for my autistic son?

    The Jolly Watchlist 📺

    autism and holidays, Movies we watch in December!
    Movies we watch in December!

    I absolutely adore the holidays, but I’ll be the first to admit that my decorations don’t rival a winter wonderland anymore. My mental bandwidth sometimes resembles a traffic jam, and I don’t always have the time and energy for elaborate decor. But I’m working on it! I do cherish those twinkling lights, and I’m the first one to set up the Christmas tree, queue up the holiday movies, and plan Advent activities to teach Jacob about the birth of Christ.

    Movies like “It’s a Wonderful Life,” “While You Were Sleeping,” “Heat Miser, Snow Miser,” “The Grinch,” and “Home Alone” are like little parcels of joy. They infuse the holiday spirit into our hearts and remind us that this season is about warmth, love, and laughter.

    Set Boundaries, Savor Moments 🎁

    So, what’s the secret to keeping your holiday spirits high? Have a plan, and set boundaries. Not everything that comes your way needs a ‘yes.’ For instance, I’ve learned that taking Jake to bustling, noisy places or disrupting his routine doesn’t bring me joy; it brings stress. So, as much as I’d love to say yes to every invite, I have to prioritize his needs and have a caregiver in place when I can’t be there.

    Don’t feel guilty about your boundaries; embrace them, and savor the moments. Inside, I decorate to create a festive atmosphere, watch heartwarming movies, bake cookies, and sip hot cocoa.

    Self-Care Is the Best Gift 🌟

    I’ve also learned the importance of self-care, not just professional development. I indulge in reading for pleasure, especially action-packed books – a brief escape from the daily challenges of being a boy mom. Long baths are a luxury I occasionally treat myself to. Finding time for exercise is a goal I’m still working on. After a day filled with special needs at home and school, I often suffer from decision fatigue and every other kind of fatigue imaginable. But I’m learning to plan better, particularly for meals and exercise.

    In the end, it’s all about maintaining that positive mindset. With a plan, boundaries, a touch of self-care, and a sprinkle of holiday joy, the holiday season can be a time of joy, even for parents of children with autism. So here’s to embracing where you are and enjoying life, one festive moment at a time! 🎄🧡 #positivemindset How Jacob has success daily without anxiety. #autismchallenges

    Holiday Mindset 🎄
    autism and holidays, Advent activities for Jacob!
    Advent activities for Jacob!

    So, as we dive headfirst into the holiday season, remember, don’t compare your life or your child’s journey to anyone else’s. Celebrate where you are, and how far you’ve come. Life is a unique journey, and no two paths are the same. Keep a journal if it helps; it’s a wonderful way to witness the progress you and your child have made over the years. Here’s a previous blog post if you want more tips: 5 ways to regain my calm when my special needs child is dancing on my last nerve!

    Through all the highs and lows, the challenges, and the laughter, we’re moving forward. We’re blessed with the opportunity to love, learn, and grow with our extraordinary children. 🌟📖💪 #movingforward #blessed

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  • Feeling isolated, broke, and chaos within the family? You’re not alone!

    Autism Island: 

    Autism Island
    Autism Island, families feel like they are on an isolated island.

    Welcome to Autism Island! Feeling like you’re stranded here? Don’t worry, you’re in good company. It’s a place of isolation, occasional chaos, and surprise financial storms. But hey, we’ve got humor and camaraderie to navigate these turbulent seas of parenting a child with autism.

    Navigating the Island of Isolation:

    Sunday after church visits from friends!
    Sundays after church, time with friends and silly string!

    Ever had that moment when your child plays solo with no friends in sight? Yeah, we’ve all been there. Back in the day, I had these superhero friends who’d drop by after church. Kids played, and Jacob did his solo thing. Fond memories, but boy, do I get the isolation part.

    Now that all the kids are grown, there’s no one coming over after church to eat lunch and hang out. Going out with our friends are tag team matches between my husband and I.

    A Night on the Town? Easier Said Than Done:

    Pic’s of the family over the years during summer!

    Thinking of a night out with friends or a family trip? Sounds easy, right? Well, toss autism into the mix, and it’s like embarking on a complex mission. New places, new routines – it’s practically a city of anxiety. And family gatherings? More like family stress-fests, with constant mental scanning for potential meltdowns or hidden dangers.

    Financial Rollercoaster:

    Financial Worries!
    Financial Worries!

    Now, here’s the sneaky monster – the cost. Therapies, treatments, some not even approved. Insurance? Nope, they just shrugged and left us drowning in bills. I still remember that bloodwork bill that could’ve bought a small car. We couldn’t afford it. Thank heavens for family pitching in!

    P.S. Insurance only covered speech therapy initially, and even that had co-pays. The struggle was real.

    Sharing the Load:

    Ever felt guilty about turning down invites? Let’s stop that nonsense! You’re not alone in the tag-team hustle with your partner. I mean, who wouldn’t love to hit the movies or kick back? But if it’s just not feasible, it’s not. We’ve all been there. Set some boundaries, drop that guilt, and grab a good book, run a soothing bath, or rent a hilarious comedy. You deserve it!

    Beach Trips and “Me” Monsters:
    Family Vacation!
    Family Vacation!

    Family vacations? Sure, we’ve done those. But it’s no leisurely stroll on the beach; it’s more like a 2.5-hour “Are we there yet?” chorus. And when you finally hit the sand, brace yourself for the inflatable alligator incident. Yep, the life of an autism parent is a unique adventure. Ask Granny Jane; she’ll regale you with tales of the inflatable alligator incident. Jake didn’t have one the first year, but guess who got him one the second year?

    The Support Dilemma:

    Respite care – sounds fantastic, right? Well, finding someone you trust, who truly understands your child’s unique needs, is like hunting for treasure. Autistic kids can’t always spill the beans on what happens when you’re not around. The fear of mistreatment is a real concern. Good workers are like hidden gems, and trust is hard-won. We even added cameras at home to ease our minds and check in on Jacob.

    The Uncharted Territory of Autism Parenting:

    So, here I am, in a season where most parents are battling empty nest syndrome. Not me, and guess what? I’m absolutely fine with it. My child needs me. Leaving him alone all day isn’t safe, even though he probably won’t set the house on fire. But you see, he can’t tell friends from foes.

    To all my fellow autism navigators, let’s embrace the chaos, share a laugh about those “me” monsters, and remember, you’re not alone. We’re all on this wild, unpredictable autism island together. We’ll weather the storms and cheer for the small victories. If you need help with schedules check out this post: Keep sailing, my friends! 🌊⚓🏝️

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