Welcome to Educating Jacob, where we embark on a journey filled with success daily without anxiety. Instead, there’s laughter, love, and the occasional bad day—because let’s face it, life with Jacob is anything but ordinary! 🌟

In a world where chaos reigns supreme, finding moments of peace and success can feel like a distant dream. Grab your coffee, fellow parents and teachers of children with disabilities, for Jacob is here to show us the way.

Success Daily without Anxiety


From the early days of meltdowns and confusion to his present-day triumphs, Jacob’s story is a testament to resilience, routine, and remarkable progress. Here at Educating Jacob, we delve into the heart of his daily victories, navigating through the ups and downs with humor and grace. Above is a clip from a facebook live I did if you want to see more go here: https://fb.me/e/hGJWEyzFg

Join us as we explore how Jacob conquers his challenges, finding solace in schedules and routines that bring him calm and understanding. It’s a tale of laughter, tears, and endless possibilities—a journey that reminds us all of the power of structure and support in the face of adversity.

Success without anxiety daily

So grab your favorite mug of coffee (or tea, if that’s more your style!), settle in, and let’s dive into the wonderful world of Jacob’s success without anxiety. Together, we’ll laugh, we’ll learn, and we’ll celebrate the beautifully unique journey of parenting and teaching children with disabilities. 🚀

The Early Days: Chaos and Confusion

Ah, the early days of Jacob’s journey—a time marked by meltdowns, chaos, and more than a few raised eyebrows from well-meaning bystanders. 😅 It’s a story familiar to many parents of children with autism, filled with uncertainty and a desperate search for answers. Here is post with an example of an early schedule that started us on a journey of calm: Teaching my Son With Autism to Read.


Jacob’s activities lined the couch with an all done bin on the floor!

The Power of Schedules: Unlocking Jacob’s Potential

You see, when Jacob was younger, the mere mention of autism sent our world into a tailspin. The meltdowns were relentless, triggered by the overwhelming confusion of a world he struggled to comprehend. Conversations became a minefield, with Jacob either tuning out, walking away, or erupting into tears.

But amidst the chaos, a glimmer of hope emerged—a beacon of light in the darkness of uncertainty. It was the realization that schedules held the key to unlocking Jacob’s potential for success. 🗝️ Check out this post for more info: No Schedule for Jacob to Use This Week? No Peace! Autism Challenges 🧩

Celebrating Every Victory

Celebrate all accomplishments of your special needs child, no matter how small!
Celebrate all Accomplishments!


And so, we learned to cherish every small triumph along the way, recognizing the hard work and determination that went into each milestone. From mastering a new skill to simply getting through the day without a meltdown, every achievement was a cause for celebration. Need more support and live in NC check out the Autism Society of NC. https://www.spectrumlife.org/raleigh/community-and-support/autism-society-of-north-carolina

Teacher-Friendly Tips: Simplifying the Classroom Environment

Now, teachers, listen up!  If there’s one thing I’ve learned on this wild ride called parenting a child with autism, it’s this: structure and routine are your best friends. In the classroom too. Trust me, when your students understand what’s expected of them and can rely on the comforting sameness of a well-established routine, magic happens. 🎩✨

Think about it like this: imagine trying to follow a complicated set of directions in a language you barely understand. Sounds pretty stressful, right? Well, that’s exactly how it feels for students with autism when faced with a barrage of verbal instructions and constantly changing expectations.

Simple Visuals

But fear not, dear teachers, for I come bearing the gift of simplicity! 🎁 By learning to streamline your communication and incorporating simple visuals into your schedules, you can create an environment where every student can have success daily without anxiety. Trust me, it’s a game-changer.

So, next time you’re tempted to unleash a torrent of words upon your students, take a step back and ask yourself: “How can I simplify this?” Whether it’s breaking tasks down into manageable steps or using visual aids to reinforce concepts, remember: less is more.

Celebrate Successes no matter how small

And above all else, remember to set everyone up for success. By creating a classroom that values structure, and routine  you’ll not only reduce anxiety but also empower your students to thrive. After all, isn’t that what teaching is all about? 📚🌟

So here’s to embracing the power of schedules, simplifying our approach, and setting our students on the path to success—one structured day at a time. You’ve got this, teachers!🍎