Positive mindset

  • Autism and the Holidays: Shaping the Season with a Positive Mindset

    autism and holidays, Relax with a date night to kick off the holiday month!
    Date Night! #ZachWilliams

    Ah, the early years of dealing with autism, how to have autism and holidays? The days were a rollercoaster of emotions – anxiety, stress, depression, and yes, let’s not forget the ever-present financial strain from therapies not covered by insurance. But hey, welcome to the world of parenting a child with autism, right? https://www.autismspeaks.org/blog/home-holidays-ways-make-sure-your-autistic-child-enjoys-their-break

    Rolling in the Memories 🎢

    family and christmas time
    Jacob’s dad David and Older brother Nicholas!

    Fast forward a couple of decades, and I’ve not only survived numerous family holidays but also successfully guided my students through adapting to change and finding joy along the way.

    From those early, challenging years to the present day, I’ve learned that having a plan and setting boundaries for myself and my son can turn the holiday season into a time of joy and happiness. I’ve realized that, just like my son, I need structure during this bustling time of year. It’s all about keeping my own days from falling apart, because when they do, well, let’s just say it’s like inviting old pals Anxiety, Stress, and Depression back into my life. And we’re not on speaking terms anymore! Let’s make a plan for autism and holidays. Why these 3 boundaries are desperately needed for my autistic son?

    The Jolly Watchlist 📺

    autism and holidays, Movies we watch in December!
    Movies we watch in December!

    I absolutely adore the holidays, but I’ll be the first to admit that my decorations don’t rival a winter wonderland anymore. My mental bandwidth sometimes resembles a traffic jam, and I don’t always have the time and energy for elaborate decor. But I’m working on it! I do cherish those twinkling lights, and I’m the first one to set up the Christmas tree, queue up the holiday movies, and plan Advent activities to teach Jacob about the birth of Christ.

    Movies like “It’s a Wonderful Life,” “While You Were Sleeping,” “Heat Miser, Snow Miser,” “The Grinch,” and “Home Alone” are like little parcels of joy. They infuse the holiday spirit into our hearts and remind us that this season is about warmth, love, and laughter.

    Set Boundaries, Savor Moments 🎁

    So, what’s the secret to keeping your holiday spirits high? Have a plan, and set boundaries. Not everything that comes your way needs a ‘yes.’ For instance, I’ve learned that taking Jake to bustling, noisy places or disrupting his routine doesn’t bring me joy; it brings stress. So, as much as I’d love to say yes to every invite, I have to prioritize his needs and have a caregiver in place when I can’t be there.

    Don’t feel guilty about your boundaries; embrace them, and savor the moments. Inside, I decorate to create a festive atmosphere, watch heartwarming movies, bake cookies, and sip hot cocoa.

    Self-Care Is the Best Gift 🌟

    I’ve also learned the importance of self-care, not just professional development. I indulge in reading for pleasure, especially action-packed books – a brief escape from the daily challenges of being a boy mom. Long baths are a luxury I occasionally treat myself to. Finding time for exercise is a goal I’m still working on. After a day filled with special needs at home and school, I often suffer from decision fatigue and every other kind of fatigue imaginable. But I’m learning to plan better, particularly for meals and exercise.

    In the end, it’s all about maintaining that positive mindset. With a plan, boundaries, a touch of self-care, and a sprinkle of holiday joy, the holiday season can be a time of joy, even for parents of children with autism. So here’s to embracing where you are and enjoying life, one festive moment at a time! 🎄🧡 #positivemindset How Jacob has success daily without anxiety. #autismchallenges

    Holiday Mindset 🎄
    autism and holidays, Advent activities for Jacob!
    Advent activities for Jacob!

    So, as we dive headfirst into the holiday season, remember, don’t compare your life or your child’s journey to anyone else’s. Celebrate where you are, and how far you’ve come. Life is a unique journey, and no two paths are the same. Keep a journal if it helps; it’s a wonderful way to witness the progress you and your child have made over the years. Here’s a previous blog post if you want more tips: 5 ways to regain my calm when my special needs child is dancing on my last nerve!

    Through all the highs and lows, the challenges, and the laughter, we’re moving forward. We’re blessed with the opportunity to love, learn, and grow with our extraordinary children. 🌟📖💪 #movingforward #blessed

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