Special needs

  • How does mindset change things when raising a child with autism? 🧩

    To move forward with clarity your mindset needs work!
    To move forward with clarity your mindset needs work!

    Unlocking the Power of Mindset: 

    Raising a child with autism is a journey filled with twists, turns, and unexpected challenges. As parents, our mindset plays a pivotal role in how we navigate this path. When confusion and fear cloud our thoughts, taking action can seem daunting. I remember the moment when I first realized Jacob wasn’t speaking and faced the reality of his challenges beyond speech delay. It was a moment filled with devastation and fear. But amidst the uncertainty, I knew one thing for certain: I needed to arm myself with knowledge and understanding to take decisive action. Join me as we explore the transformative power of mindset in the realm of autism parenting.#Autism Challenges

    Just starting with the diagnosis? Check out the Autism Society: https://vimeo.com/5846214


    Navigating Autism Parenting with Clarity and Confidence:

    Ah, the maze of autism parenting! Picture yourself wandering aimlessly, bumping into walls, and occasionally tripping over your own shoelaces. It’s like trying to find your way out of a corn maze blindfolded – a recipe for comedic chaos! But fear not, my fellow adventurers, for in this topsy-turvy journey, clarity is your trusty compass. Without a clear sense of direction, you’re just a lost soul wandering in circles, hoping to stumble upon the exit. And let me tell you, friends, hoping for the best is like relying on a blindfolded toddler to navigate a Lego minefield – not exactly a foolproof strategy! So, buckle up and grab your map, because in the wild and wacky world of autism parenting, we’re going to need a plan! 🗺️🚀


    Documenting the Rollercoaster Ride: 

    Journal to see your child's growth.
    Journal so you can see growth, also it’s proof you’ll make it through hard times!

    You’re armed with a notepad and a cup of coffee, ready to tackle the ever-growing list of concerns about your child’s development. It’s like preparing for battle, except instead of swords and shields, you’ve got highlighters and sticky notes – because nothing says “warrior parent” like color-coded organization, am I right? 📝☕️

    Now, as you wade through the sea of doctor’s appointments and testing, remember that patience is a virtue, my friends. It’s like waiting in line at the amusement park – except instead of thrilling rides, you’re queuing up for evaluations and assessments. And let’s be honest, the only rollercoaster here is the emotional one you’re riding on! 🎢

    But fear not, for in the land of autism parenting, we’re all about proactive planning. So, get your name on every waiting list imaginable – diagnosis, speech therapy, occupational therapy – you name it, we’re on it! It’s like stocking up on snacks before a road trip – you may not need them all, but better safe than sorry, right? And who knows, maybe you’ll get lucky and score a fast pass to the front of the line! 🎟️


    Journaling Through the Ups and Downs:

    Alright, fellow adventurers, buckle up because we’re about to embark on a journaling journey! Now, before you start running for the hills at the mere mention of daily writing (ain’t nobody got time for that!), let me reassure you – I’m right there with you. Who has the energy to document every little detail of their day when they’re busy juggling therapy sessions and meltdowns? 📓✨🤷‍♂️

    But fear not, my friends, for journaling doesn’t have to be a chore. Think of it as your personal time capsule, capturing all the hilarious highs and the chaotic lows of your autism parenting adventure. It’s like creating your own comedy special – except instead of stand-up routines, you’ve got anecdotes about toilet training mishaps and epic bedtime battles. 😂

    And here’s the best part: when you’re knee-deep in the trenches of a particularly rough day, you can crack open that journal and remind yourself of just how far you’ve come. It’s like finding a hidden stash of chocolate when you’re craving a sweet treat – instant mood booster! So go ahead, grab your pen and start scribbling down those memories – trust me, your future self will thank you for it! 🍫🖊️


    Visual Schedules:
    Visual Schedules for young children
    Example of Jakes Schedule when he was younger.

    Alright, fellow navigators of the autism parenting maze, let’s talk home life – the ultimate testing ground for any autism superhero! Now, picture this: you’ve conquered the world of therapies and diagnoses, and you’re feeling pretty darn proud of yourself. But then reality hits you like a ton of bricks – how on earth do you translate all that progress into a happy, harmonious home environment?🏡💥

    Enter visual schedules, the unsung heroes of the autism parenting world! Check out this post for more ideas Help! 3 Ways a schedule can help sensory issues and communication barriers? #Autism Challenges🧩 Now, I’ll be the first to admit, it took me longer than it probably should have to realize just how crucial these schedules are. I mean, sure, they’re not as flashy as superhero capes or as glamorous as unicorn-themed sensory rooms, but boy, do they pack a punch!🦸‍♂️🗓️


    Your Secret Weapon for Family Harmony

    With a visual schedule in hand, Jacob can literally see what his day looks like – no mind-reading required! And here’s the best part: if you play your cards right, you can sneak in a little thing called “choice” into that schedule. That’s right, folks, we’re talking about empowering our little ones to take charge of their own destiny, one sticker at a time! 🌟💼


    The result? A household that runs smoother than a well-oiled machine, with productivity levels that would make even the most organized Martha Stewart green with envy. Gone are the days of anxiety-fueled meltdowns and frustrating communication breakdowns – instead, we’ve got a family dynamic that’s tighter than a pair of superhero spandex! 🦸‍♀️💬


    So, my fellow autism adventurers, if you’re looking to revolutionize your home life and banish chaos to the far corners of the universe, look no further than the humble visual schedule. Trust me, your future self will thank you for it – and hey, who knows, you might just earn yourself a spot in the autism parenting Hall of Fame! 🏆✨

    #Autism Challenges🧩

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  • Autism and the Holidays: Shaping the Season with a Positive Mindset

    autism and holidays, Relax with a date night to kick off the holiday month!
    Date Night! #ZachWilliams

    Ah, the early years of dealing with autism, how to have autism and holidays? The days were a rollercoaster of emotions – anxiety, stress, depression, and yes, let’s not forget the ever-present financial strain from therapies not covered by insurance. But hey, welcome to the world of parenting a child with autism, right? https://www.autismspeaks.org/blog/home-holidays-ways-make-sure-your-autistic-child-enjoys-their-break

    Rolling in the Memories 🎢

    family and christmas time
    Jacob’s dad David and Older brother Nicholas!

    Fast forward a couple of decades, and I’ve not only survived numerous family holidays but also successfully guided my students through adapting to change and finding joy along the way.

    From those early, challenging years to the present day, I’ve learned that having a plan and setting boundaries for myself and my son can turn the holiday season into a time of joy and happiness. I’ve realized that, just like my son, I need structure during this bustling time of year. It’s all about keeping my own days from falling apart, because when they do, well, let’s just say it’s like inviting old pals Anxiety, Stress, and Depression back into my life. And we’re not on speaking terms anymore! Let’s make a plan for autism and holidays. Why these 3 boundaries are desperately needed for my autistic son?

    The Jolly Watchlist 📺

    autism and holidays, Movies we watch in December!
    Movies we watch in December!

    I absolutely adore the holidays, but I’ll be the first to admit that my decorations don’t rival a winter wonderland anymore. My mental bandwidth sometimes resembles a traffic jam, and I don’t always have the time and energy for elaborate decor. But I’m working on it! I do cherish those twinkling lights, and I’m the first one to set up the Christmas tree, queue up the holiday movies, and plan Advent activities to teach Jacob about the birth of Christ.

    Movies like “It’s a Wonderful Life,” “While You Were Sleeping,” “Heat Miser, Snow Miser,” “The Grinch,” and “Home Alone” are like little parcels of joy. They infuse the holiday spirit into our hearts and remind us that this season is about warmth, love, and laughter.

    Set Boundaries, Savor Moments 🎁

    So, what’s the secret to keeping your holiday spirits high? Have a plan, and set boundaries. Not everything that comes your way needs a ‘yes.’ For instance, I’ve learned that taking Jake to bustling, noisy places or disrupting his routine doesn’t bring me joy; it brings stress. So, as much as I’d love to say yes to every invite, I have to prioritize his needs and have a caregiver in place when I can’t be there.

    Don’t feel guilty about your boundaries; embrace them, and savor the moments. Inside, I decorate to create a festive atmosphere, watch heartwarming movies, bake cookies, and sip hot cocoa.

    Self-Care Is the Best Gift 🌟

    I’ve also learned the importance of self-care, not just professional development. I indulge in reading for pleasure, especially action-packed books – a brief escape from the daily challenges of being a boy mom. Long baths are a luxury I occasionally treat myself to. Finding time for exercise is a goal I’m still working on. After a day filled with special needs at home and school, I often suffer from decision fatigue and every other kind of fatigue imaginable. But I’m learning to plan better, particularly for meals and exercise.

    In the end, it’s all about maintaining that positive mindset. With a plan, boundaries, a touch of self-care, and a sprinkle of holiday joy, the holiday season can be a time of joy, even for parents of children with autism. So here’s to embracing where you are and enjoying life, one festive moment at a time! 🎄🧡 #positivemindset How Jacob has success daily without anxiety. #autismchallenges

    Holiday Mindset 🎄
    autism and holidays, Advent activities for Jacob!
    Advent activities for Jacob!

    So, as we dive headfirst into the holiday season, remember, don’t compare your life or your child’s journey to anyone else’s. Celebrate where you are, and how far you’ve come. Life is a unique journey, and no two paths are the same. Keep a journal if it helps; it’s a wonderful way to witness the progress you and your child have made over the years. Here’s a previous blog post if you want more tips: 5 ways to regain my calm when my special needs child is dancing on my last nerve!

    Through all the highs and lows, the challenges, and the laughter, we’re moving forward. We’re blessed with the opportunity to love, learn, and grow with our extraordinary children. 🌟📖💪 #movingforward #blessed

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  • How I added games to my son Jacob’s schedule to promote socialization.

    Embrace differences
    Be kind, reach out and embrace differences!

    How I Turned My Son Jacob into a Social Butterfly (Well, Sort of)

    Hey there, fellow schedule enthusiasts! You know, parents and teachers who use schedules are basically the superheroes of time management. 🦸‍♂️ They keep everyone on the same page, and for folks like me, they help avoid meltdowns that could rival a volcano eruption. More info: https://educatingjacob.com/beyond-the-chaos-scheduling-101-class-for-special-needs-children/

    You see, I use schedules because of my son Jacob’s autism. His daily routines and his ability to follow a schedule give him a sense of security, confidence, and a lot less anxiety about the rollercoaster of life. But recently, I decided it was time to add a little sprinkle of socialization to Jacob’s schedule.

    Now, let me give you the inside scoop on my secret weapon: games. Yes, games, folks! I decided to sneak some fun into his routine, and let me tell you, it’s been an adventure.

    Game Time, Jacob Style

    Games for socialization!
    Games for socialization!

    So, here’s the deal. Jacob, like many kids on the spectrum, tends to be a lone wolf when it comes to socializing. He wants us around, but he’s not exactly hosting tea parties or neighborhood BBQs.

    Occasionally, I decided to spice things up by putting a game, like Word Search, on his schedule. Now, let me be clear, he LOVES word searches. Seriously, he’s like a word-hunting ninja. He even has them as part of his schoolwork and other worksheets.

    But, here’s the kicker – he always beats me. It’s like playing chess with a grandmaster. 😅 So, technically, it’s socialization, but it’s more like a friendly competition. He tolerates playing with me because it’s on his schedule, and he enjoys a good word hunt.

    Using his need for structure and routines, I can easily switch things up. If there’s a holiday on the horizon, we talk about it ahead of time. He can see it on the calendar and his schedule, and it helps him mentally prepare for the change.

    Countdowns and Excitement

    Now, one thing that gets Jacob excited is when he knows something different is happening. For instance, when his brother is coming into town, he’s over the moon. He counts down the days on his schedule, and trust me, it’s adorable.

    You see, schedules aren’t just about keeping order; they’re about building excitement and helping him accept changes in our family’s routine. It’s like his own personal calendar of awesome events.

    Games for Social Skills

    Games to increase socialization skills
    Increase socialization skills with games!

    Now, in school, teachers do something similar for the students. They dangle the game carrot at the end of a work stick, and it works like a charm. The kids know that if they complete their tasks, they get to dive into some game time.

    Jacob, like many kids on the spectrum, adores games. And while he might not win “Most Talkative” at school, he sure knows how to play a mean game of Connect Four. Here are some ideas for summer: https://educatingjacob.com/a-summer-schedule-for-my-child-who-has-autism/

    These games aren’t just fun; they’re stealthily teaching social skills. He might not always jump at the opportunity to socialize, but since it’s part of his schedule, he goes along with it. It’s a win-win, my friends.

    So, if you’re navigating the unpredictable waters of autism like me, consider adding some game time to your child’s schedule. You might not turn them into a social butterfly overnight, but you’ll definitely make socializing a part of their daily routine. And hey, who knows, maybe they’ll even let you win at Word Search. 🕵️‍♀️

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  • Beyond the Chaos: Scheduling 101 Class for Special Needs Children

    This is Jacob reading a story book that was in his first_then work schedule!

    Beyond the chaos:

    Hold on Tight: The Rollercoaster Begins .  My son Jacob, bless his heart, decides it’s time for an emotional rollercoaster ride, and I’m just here, trying not to fall off the emotional rollercoaster myself. 🎢

    You see, our home, thanks to Jacob’s autism, resembles something like a tornado hit it regularly. Remember that joke about the first child being an angel, and then the second child coming along to prove that theory wrong? Well, autism walked into our lives and said, “Hold my juice box!” Chaos, storms, and frustration, anyone? 🌀 🤪

    Need help regaining your calm? Check out this previous blog post: https://educatingjacob.com/5-ways-to-regain-my-calm-when-my-special-needs-child-is-dancing-on-my-last-nerve/

    The Colossal Challenges

    These challenges are colossal, like trying to fit a giraffe into a Mini Cooper. 🦒 Feeling isolated, drowning in paperwork, and dealing with doctors and insurance companies become a daily sport.

    Whack-a-Mole: Battling Behaviors with Pool Noodles

    It’s like playing a never-ending game of whack-a-mole, but the moles are challenging behaviors, and the mallet is a pool noodle. 🏊 Oh, and the ticket to the game is depression. Yeah, fun times.🔨

    Mastering the Schedule: Finding Clarity and Flexibility

    Thankfully, my superhero cape-wearing family and friends have kept me from succumbing to a life of perpetual pool noodle whacking. I still get frustrated and depressed sometimes, but now I have my trusty sidekick, “Jacob’s Daily Schedule,” by my side. 📅

    What I needed was the proper mindset, I needed to know why the schedule was important for Jacob and for our family. Then through trial and error I learned to create the perfect schedules for us. It’s always centered around Jacob and how to help him. This keeps our family moving forward.

    You have to get clear on your challenges and then use a simple schedule to start yourself off and build on that until you’ve mastered what is needed. Life is constantly changing and once you’ve learned how to create schedules it’s not hard to course correct and make small changes when needed!🔄🧠


    Roadmap for choices
    Use schedules with built in choice for connection and learning!                                                       

    The Power of Schedules:

    Roadmap to success! Use a schedule, be consistent, and celebrate all wins!

    I used to feel like I was blindfolded, trying to solve a puzzle with shape-shifting pieces. 🧩 Then, I discovered visual schedules, and it was like I found the cheat code to the game of parenting. Schedules are your roadmap!

    Picture this: Jacob and I are now on an epic quest.The sensory challenges are our dragons, and our visual schedules are our treasure maps. And let’s not forget the rewards – stickers, high-fives, maybe even some chocolate. 🍫🛡️ 🗺️

    We’ve turned chores into quests. Jacob, now known as the “Kitchen Crusader,” conquers not just chores, but life itself. As parents, we’re the wizards, guiding our children through the magical world of responsibilities. Let the chore-adventures begin! 🎉✨

    Creating Effective Schedules:

    The zippered bags contain school work and a short book to read.
    Jacob’s daily school bags for the week!

    Visual schedules are like vibrant canvases that promise adventure. It’s like our daily to-do list became a treasure map. For Jacob, chores turned into thrilling quests, and sensory sensitivities were banished like villains from a fairy tale.

    Unlocking the Mysteries of Zippered Bags

    Those zippered bags you see? They’re not just bags; they’re portals to another dimension. One contains school work – the realm of knowledge. Another holds chapter books – the doorway to countless adventures. And the larger garment bags? Well, they’re Jacob’s wardrobe for the week, neatly hung up like a knight’s armor, ready for duty. 🎒 🛡️

    A Week in Advance: Why the Plan Matters

    Everything is planned out a week in advance, and why is that important? Because if Jacob doesn’t have a plan for his day, he will experience anxiety when there are unexpected transitions. Imagine interrupting a grand quest to slay dragons – not a good idea! Plus, with processing language delays, it’s like trying to decipher ancient runes on the fly. 📅 🐉

    Fashion Forward with Clothes Schedules

    The clothes schedule gives him sensory-friendly but decent clothes for the community already picked out. It’s like having a superhero costume ready for action – no fuss, no muss, just heroic flair! 👔 🦸‍♂️

    Ready for Life’s Twists and Turns

    Life gives the unexpected, and our children need to be ready and able to handle the changes. But fear not! With the structure of a schedule, they’re like seasoned adventurers equipped with a map and compass. They can navigate the twists and turns with confidence, knowing that they have a plan in place. 🛤️ 🗺️

    Course Correcting with Ease

    So, when we need to course correct for unexpected transitions, it’s like adjusting the sails on a ship. With the routine of a schedule already in place, it’s not a daunting task; it’s just a gentle nudge in the right direction. Smooth sailing ahead! 🔄 ⛵

    Embracing the Future

    Now, all we need to do is adjust the schedule and let them see what’s coming. It’s a new transition, but easier because it’s within the confines of a routine they’re comfortable with already. With schedules as our trusty guides, the future looks bright, and the adventures ahead are limitless! 🔮 🌟

    If you want to look into some community events that are designed with your children in mind and already set up for success, see if you have an Autism Society locally, If you live in NC, check this out: https://www.eventbrite.com/o/autism-society-of-north-carolina-6867453005

    Remember, in this adventure called life, we’re here to help and support each other. Together, we’re stronger. I’m praying for you, my friends! 🌟 #AutismAwareness

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