Learning disabilities

  • Teaching Chores: Building Life Skills with Patience and Support for Autism

    Building Life Skills with Patience 🎉

    Be consistent, start simple and celebrate when complete!

    This post is about support and resources for autism families. As parents, we want to raise responsible and independent children who can care for themselves and contribute to their households. This goal applies to all children, including those with autism or learning disabilities. Teaching chores isn’t just about helping out—it’s about building life skills, boosting confidence, and fostering independence. 💙

    When my son Jacob was younger, even simple tasks felt overwhelming. At first, he resisted, and honestly, I did too. I wasn’t sure how to teach him without frustration. But through patience, consistency, and visual schedules, he learned step by step. Now, at 27, Jacob can manage many daily tasks independently, and I’m here to share what I’ve learned so your child can too!


    Understanding Your Child’s Abilities and Challenges 🧩

    Before diving into chores, it’s important to assess your child’s abilities and challenges. So we have to support and have resources for autism families and share with each other! Every child on the autism spectrum has unique strengths and struggles, whether in: ✅ Fine motor skills (e.g., difficulty folding laundry) ✅ Attention span (e.g., easily distracted during tasks) ✅ Sensory sensitivities (e.g., textures of cleaning cloths feeling uncomfortable)

    📌 Tip: Start with tasks that align with their strengths! For Jacob, organizing books by color was easier than folding clothes, so that’s where we began. He does well hanging up clothes but not folding.


    Choosing Autism-Friendly Chores 🏠

    Not all chores are created equal—especially when considering sensory needs and executive functioning challenges. Here are some beginner-friendly chores for children with autism:

    🧹 Sorting & Organizing:

    • Putting books or toys in bins 🏗️
    • Sorting laundry by color 👕
    • Arranging groceries on shelves 🛒

    🧼 Cleaning Tasks:

    • Wiping tables with a damp cloth 🌟
    • Sweeping or using a handheld vacuum 🧹
    • Spraying plants with water 💦

    🧺 Personal Responsibility:

    • Putting dirty clothes in a hamper 🏗️
    • Helping set the table 🍽️
    • Feeding pets 🐾

    📌 Tip: Start with ONE simple task and make it part of their daily routine before adding more.


    Breaking Tasks into Small Steps ✂️

    Children with autism thrive on clear, step-by-step instructions. Instead of saying, “Clean your room,” try breaking it into manageable steps: 1️⃣ Pick up all the toys. 🧸 2️⃣ Put dirty clothes in the laundry basket. 👕 3️⃣ Wipe the table with a cloth. 🧼 4️⃣ Put books on the shelf. 📚

    📌 Tip: Use visual schedules to help your child see each step in order. We used pictures of Jacob doing each task, and it transformed how he followed through!


    Using Visual Aids and Schedules 🖼️

    Visual schedules and checklists are game-changers when teaching chores! They provide predictability and help reduce frustration.

    Picture checklists with step-by-step images 🎨 ✅ Magnet boards where kids move tasks from “To Do” to “Done” ✔️ ✅ Timers to set expectations for how long a task should take ⏳

    For Jacob, we started with a simple, laminated chart that he could check off after each task. Over time, he became more independent! Stop Morning Chaos: How to start using Visual Schedule for Autism and CALM


    Tailoring Instructions & Communication 🗣️

    When giving instructions, use clear, simple language that matches your child’s comprehension level. Try: ❌ “Go clean the kitchen.” (Too vague) ✅ “Please put the dishes in the sink.” (Clear & specific)

    📌 Tip: If verbal instructions don’t work well, use modeling—show them how to do it first, then let them copy you! 👫 Better yet, use a visual schedule! No words needed just pictures or just one- two words written for something they already know how to do! 


    Providing Positive Reinforcement 🎉

    Use positive reinforcement often! Have fun.

    Encouragement goes a long way! Use positive reinforcement to motivate your child:

    🎊 Verbal praise – “Great job putting your books away!” 🎊 Token system – Earn stickers or stars for completing chores ⭐ 🎊 Preferred activities – Extra time with their favorite activity 🎮

    Jacob loves earning a small reward at the end of the week, like choosing a favorite snack or movie. Over time, chores became part of his routine—not just something for a reward! 💙


    Creating a Sensory-Friendly Chore Environment 🌿

    Sensory sensitivities can make or break a child’s success with chores. Adapt their environment by: ✅ Using soft gloves if they dislike certain textures 🧤 ✅ Offering noise-canceling headphones for loud vacuuming 🎧 ✅ Choosing unscented cleaners for smell sensitivities 🌿

    📌 Tip: Always observe and adjust chores to make them comfortable yet achievableHelp! 3 Ways a schedule can help sensory issues and communication barriers? #Autism Challenges🧩


    Knowing When to Seek Support 🤝

    Support and resources for autism families: Autism Thrive Tribe! link at the end.

    If certain chores feel impossible, it’s okay to seek help from: 👩‍🏫 Teachers & Therapists – Occupational therapists can suggest fine motor skill-friendly tasks 👨‍⚕️ Behavioral Therapists – They can help break tasks into manageable steps 👥 Parent Support Groups – Learn what works for other families! Other parents on the same journey (Autism Thrive Tribe at the end!)

    Jacob struggled with using utensils and buttons, so we worked with an OT to improve his fine motor skills. That small intervention made daily tasks easier! 🛠️


    Final Thoughts: Teaching Life Skills with Love 💙

    Teaching chores to a child with autism isn’t just about keeping the house tidy—it’s about building their confidence, independence, and ability to contribute. 🌟 We need support and resources for autism families, lets share what we learn.

    By using visual schedules, breaking tasks into steps, adapting for sensory needs, and celebrating small wins, you can create a supportive learning environment. And most importantly, remember progress over perfection! 💙

    P.S. 🔥 Want more strategies like this? 📢 Join the Autism Thrive Tribe and connect with other parents learning how to create a structured, peaceful home. [📢 Join the Autism Thrive Tribe]

    With patience and the right approach, your child CAN learn new skills—and thrive! 🚀

    P.S.S. If you’re seeking disability advice, you should primarily contact the Social Security Administration (SSA) to understand your eligibility for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits based on your medical condition, work history, and income level; you can apply online or at a local SSA office, and should gather comprehensive medical documentation to support your claim.

    Outreach Director sent this brochure to me for you to check out if you need additional help outside of the normal route: https://disabilityadvice.org/child-disability/

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  • How are using schedules improving our autistic child’s daily life?

    Using schedules for our autistic child has been a game-changer in improving daily life. As parents, we constantly seek ways to help our children manage their emotions, transitions, and activities more smoothly. For Jacob, our journey began with countless meltdowns and a struggle to communicate his needs. But through the implementation of structured schedules, we discovered a powerful tool that not only brought calm to our home but also fostered independence and confidence in Jacob. In this blog post, we’ll share how using schedules has transformed our daily lives and offer practical tips to help other families navigate the complexities of autism. 🌟📅

    Jacob completing a writing assignment on his chalkboard wall in his room.
    Jacob doing a writing assignment!

    The pictures in this blog post  are Jacob through the years, Jacob doing a writing assignment above. After his writing, was his reading and both were on his schedule for the day. The last picture is when he was born, pictured here with his big brother Nick. At the very bottom of this blog post is a picture from his  21st birthday.

    Using Schedules for the Autistic Child

    Aren’t schedules easy? I’ll just write down a checklist, and boom, I’m done, right? Why do I even need a schedule? In all my years as a “boy mom,” “autism mom,” and special education teacher, I’m begging you: HAVE A WELL-THOUGHT-OUT SCHEDULE. Some key elements of a good schedule are:

    1. Easy to maintain.
    2. Understandable at a glance.
    3. Simple enough to change daily (if needed).

    Above is Jacob completing a writing assignment from his schedule when he was 8 yrs old. His schedule was simple then with maybe 4 things on a list (or a row of pictures showing the activity) with something fun following actual work or chores.

    Let me help you avoid some common pitfalls:

    Once your child understands the concept of following a schedule, you can add to it slowly.  Don’t expect things to go  well the first couple of attempts. With Jacob he was very resistant to anything new and that continues to present day but the next time you ask him to do the task it’s no longer new. Yay!

    Using schedules for autistic child gives success!

    Problem: Controlling Emotions During Changes in Routine or Life Transitions


    Unstructured downtime for children who struggle with change and emotions is not a good idea. You may be thinking, “My child shouldn’t have downtime?” Of course, they should! It’s unstructured downtime that can be the problem. Life is full of transitions. When transitions = meltdowns, try the following: No Schedule for Jacob to Use This Week? No Peace! Autism Challenges 🧩


    – Use a Schedule: Help your child understand their day.

    – Be Consistent: Using the schedule so it becomes a routine.

    – Plan Ahead: You can add or remove things in the schedule (doctor appt., therapy, etc.).


    I’ve found that my son, and my students, do better when they see what’s coming in their day. Be proactive and set everyone up for success! 🌟


    Solution: Create a Simple Weekly Schedule


    The goal is to set the child up for success. It doesn’t need to be an elaborate, time-consuming schedule. If you overdo it, then your schedule is just going to do more harm than good. It should be simple enough that they understand what to do and you can be consistent in how you use it.


    How Can a Schedule Change Your Child’s Life?


    Notice the smiles in the pictures where Jacob is completing his daily work. The schedules turned the chaos into calm. When he was allowed to just play and watch TV or movies, he did not transition well from one activity to another. When I would ask him to transition to something else or even ask a question, there would be attitude. He was unable to hold conversations and process the speech as people are speaking. Between sensory and processing issues, he also hyper-focused on whatever he was doing and didn’t like being interrupted. 📅


    Tips for Creating Effective Schedules


    Schedules can start off as simple as two pictures stuck on paper with Velcro. The first picture shows an activity for your child (like brushing teeth), and the second is something your child loves to do (like a favorite movie or TV show).


    Once your child understands the give and take of the schedule, you can increase expectations and add more tasks. Jacob just turned 26, and he still loves the predictability of schedules, using them daily to have successful days. Currently, when Jacob completes his daily activities and chores for the week, he gets to order movies or something of his choosing from Amazon or eBay (his favorites). 📦


    Overcoming Challenges for a Child with Autism


    The initial challenges of creating and using schedules for autistic child are substantial. These kids tend to dislike change, and you’re essentially trying to change not only their way of communicating but also their daily habits.


    While introducing schedules, you’ll mix in activities they love (like playdough or swimming) between activities that might be new or less appealing. But don’t worry—this phase doesn’t last long. Once they realize how predictable and fun schedules can be, you’ll be able to sit back and enjoy peaceful moments watching a happy child work. 🎨💧


    Consistency is Key


    However, one crucial piece of advice to avoid meltdowns or setbacks: consistency. Do not reward your child unless they follow the schedule. Consistency is the key to success in this journey. ✔️


    Why Schedules Matter


    A schedule can give a sense of control and success. Children who have difficulty with transitions and emotion regulation need our help. The schedule can give a sense of control and anticipation to face the day better. Success! 🌟


    Practical Tips for Parents


    – Keep it Simple: Once your child understands the concept of following a schedule, you can add to it slowly. Don’t expect things to go well the first couple of attempts. With Jacob, he was very resistant to anything new, but the next time you ask him to do the task, it’s no longer new. Yay!

    – Use Visual Reminders: Sandwich the things your child dislikes between the things they like. If they give you push-back on an item, just point to the schedule. Use it as a visual reminder, and tell them, “If you want what comes next on the schedule then do this [task/chore/homework].”


    Autism Schedule Example:


    – Breakfast

    – School work

    – Chore

    – Movie or break item


    Let’s say the above is the start of Jake’s schedule. Breakfast is finished, and he’s asking for a movie. I point to the schedule without words showing the school work. Model what is next and refuse moving to the next item. Redirect without language showing the fun item is coming soon! The schedule isn’t negotiable, hold your ground, in the beginning, it’s tough but the payoff is worth it! 


    Using the Schedule for a Child with Autism


    The schedule needs to be easy to follow. Have clear expectations. You need to be consistent when using a schedule. You can’t put things on your child’s schedule they don’t know how to do on their own. My classroom schedule was so well-modeled that my students could guide my substitute teacher any day of the week. I wanted the substitute and my kids to have a great day if I had to be out. So, I put in the time and created schedules that they enjoyed using even in my absence. How Jacob has success daily without anxiety. #autismchallenges


    The Purpose of Schedules


    – Independence: Have the child understand their place and expectations within the family.

    – Reduced Anxiety: In school, the student needs to understand their place within the classroom and the expectations of the teacher.

    – Simple and Clear: The schedules need to be simple and easy to look at and understand at a glance.

    – Easy Instructions: You need simple instructions for small children or anyone who has a learning disability.


    By focusing on creating structured, easy-to-follow schedules for the autistic child.  Parents can help their children with autism navigate their days more smoothly, reduce meltdowns, and foster a sense of independence and success. 💪🌈

    • 4-things-about-jacob
      Jacob on his 21st bday with his favorite person, Mrs. Gwen!


      Autism Coach picture for CEO Coaching Directory
      Autism Coaching, part of the CEO Coaching Community. Click here for a free discovery call to see if you would benefit from coaching sessions with me! https://educatingjacob.com/contact/

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  • I’m Questioning Life Choices? I Work With Learning Disabilities?

    Being a Mom of special needs and Special Education Teacher is a lot!

    Questioning My Life Choices!

    Sipping coffee and questioning all my life choices! I am a special education teacher and mother of two boys. The youngest of which has a leaning disability, autism. Why did I think it was a good idea to become a special education teacher and then come home to a special needs child?☕️

    To be honest, I just needed to feel I was doing something positive that would benefit my son. On those days when we were home and I was trying to teach him to read and all the things before I became a teacher, I thought, who is going to work this hard to make sure he gets it? I guess you know the answer, me! I’m going to work that hard and you can too! No special degree required. 🤦‍♀️

    Unlocking Potential

    In a world where education is key to success, it is disheartening to see individuals with learning disabilities face challenges in unlocking their full potential. However, with the right strategies and resources, it is possible to provide the support necessary for these individuals to thrive.

    This post delves into the realm of learning disabilities, exploring effective strategies and valuable resources that can make a significant difference in the lives of those with these challenges. From personalized learning plans and schedules to specialized teaching methods, we will uncover the tools and techniques that empower individuals with learning disabilities. 📚

    Jacob has sensory friendly clothes, school work in zippered bags and headphones!

    Let’s shed light on the best practices and approaches for supporting individuals with learning disabilities. Whether you are a teacher, parent, or caregiver, this blog post will equip you with the knowledge and resources needed to help unlock the potential of those with learning disabilities.

    Join us on this journey as we discover the power of understanding, empathy, and supportive strategies in enabling individuals with learning disabilities to reach their full potential.

    Understanding learning disabilities

    Learning disabilities are like solving a puzzle in the dark: challenging but not impossible! They’re not about intelligence, just a different way of processing information. Let’s decode the signs and strategies to support individuals with these unique abilities.🧠🧩

    Signs and symptoms of learning delays

    Detecting learning disabilities is like spotting clues in a detective movie . Look out for slow reading, spelling mysteries, and mathematical riddles. And don’t forget the attention to detail: struggles with organization, time management, and memory can be telltale signs! With Jacob it was obvious he had a learning disability because of the lack of language, sensory issues and his need for sameness.🕵️‍♂️

    1. Difficulty understanding and following instructions.
    2. Slow reading or difficulty reading aloud.
    3. Poor spelling and grammar.
    4. Inconsistent or inaccurate mathematical calculations.
    5. Difficulty organizing thoughts or expressing ideas in writing.
    6. Inattention, distractibility, or hyperactivity.
    7. Poor memory or difficulty retaining information.
    8. Struggles with time management and organization.

    Strategies for Success

    Cracking the code of learning disabilities requires a multi-tool approach. Personalized learning plans, multi-sensory instruction, and assistive technologies are like secret weapons in our toolkit. With a little creativity and a lot of patience, we can decode the challenges and unlock the potential within!🛠️

    Assistive technologies for learning disabilities

    Assistive technologies are like sidekicks in the superhero squad! Text-to-speech software, graphic organizers, and mind mapping tools level the playing field, making learning more accessible for everyone. With these gadgets in hand, individuals with learning disabilities can conquer any academic quest!🦸‍♀️

    Students with Learning Disabilities will likely need Accommodations.
    Accommodations and modifications in the classroom

    Classrooms that provide appropriate accommodations and modifications can create an environment where students with learning disabilities can thrive. Here is a previous post that might help: The best schoolwork jobs and schedules for students at home in 2023! Here are some examples of accommodations and modifications in the classroom:

    1. Extended Time: Allowing extra time for completing assignments, tests, and exams can alleviate the pressure on students with learning disabilities.
    2. Preferential Seating: Placing students with learning disabilities in close proximity to the teacher can help minimize distractions and facilitate better focus.
    3. Visual Supports: Providing visual aids, such as charts, diagrams, and graphic organizers, can enhance understanding and retention of information.
    4. Chunking and Breaking Tasks: Breaking down complex tasks into smaller, manageable steps can help students with learning disabilities approach assignments and projects more effectively.
    5. Alternative Assessments: Offering alternative assessments, such as oral presentations or projects, can provide students with learning disabilities an opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and skills in a format that suits their abilities.

    Resources for parents of individuals with learning disabilities:

    Jacob and I both benefit from the Autism Society of NC. Check them out if you are in NC. https://www.eventbrite.com/o/autism-society-of-north-carolina-6867453005

    Navigating the journey of learning disabilities is like embarking on a grand adventure. Parent support groups, educational advocacy organizations, and online workshops are like trusty maps, guiding us through uncharted territories. With these resources in hand, we can navigate the twists and turns with confidence!🚀

    Support services and organizations for individuals with special needs

    Various support services and organizations are dedicated to assisting individuals with learning disabilities. These organizations provide valuable resources, support, and advocacy for individuals and their families. Here are some notable support services and organizations:

    1. The Arc: The Arc is a leading organization that supports individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. They offer a wide range of services, including education, employment, and community support.
    2. National Center for Learning Disabilities (NCLD): NCLD is a trusted resource for individuals with learning disabilities, their families, and educators. They provide information, advocacy, and support through their website, programs, and publications.
    3. Learning Disabilities Association of America (LDA): LDA offers resources, support, and advocacy for individuals with learning disabilities. They provide educational materials, conferences, and training programs for parents, educators, and professionals.
    4. Council for Exceptional Children (CEC): CEC is an international professional organization dedicated to improving educational outcomes for individuals with disabilities. They offer resources, publications, and professional development opportunities for educators and professionals.
    Conclusion: Empowering individuals with learning disabilities
    C onsistant Action forward A lways Celebrate Wins L earning to Create Schedules M indset
    C.A.L.M.-Consistent Action Forward, Always Celebrate Wins, Learn to create schedules!, Mindset.

    Unlocking the potential of individuals with delays is like discovering hidden treasure: exhilarating and rewarding! By fostering understanding, providing support, and embracing diversity, we can create a world where everyone’s unique abilities are celebrated and valued. Let’s embark on this journey together, unlocking the endless possibilities that lie within!💎#Autism Challenges🧩

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  • Teaching my son with autism to read was a huge accomplishment!

    Jacob completing a writing assignment on his chalkboard wall in his room.
    Jacob doing a writing assignment!

    A Surprising Start to Our Autism Journey

    When autism hit our family, it hit like a ton of bewildering bricks. Teaching my son to read, speak or just about anything was a challenge. We were as clueless as clueless could be, armed with nothing more than our viewing of “Rain Man” as our crash course in autism. No mentors, no guidebooks, just us, trying to make sense of it all. Our teaching that worked with our first son did not work. Teaching Nicholas to do almost anything including reading was a breeze! https://www.beginlearning.com/parent-resources/how-to-teach-a-child-to-read/

    Teaching My Son to Read

    But, hey, we did have a friend who homeschooled her own kids. And that, my friends, was our ticket to the wild world of homeschooling. Jacob had done a stint in public school for preschool and kindergarten. As those crucial early years came to a close, we decided to take the plunge and bring him home for homeschooling. I researched and bought materials for schooling my children and got started.

    Diving into the Deep End of Homeschooling

    So, there I was, diving headfirst into this ocean of uncertainty. I read books, surfed websites, and clung to my homeschooling guru friend like a lifebuoy. I ordered curriculum for two kids because my older son, Nicholas, wanted in on the action. He became the extracurricular activities and book picker, and off we went, wading into uncharted waters.

    Officially Homeschooling

    We registered ourselves with the state as a homeschool, gave ourselves a name (because why not?), and I became the official administrator. Nicholas was a breeze to teach, but Jacob, oh Jacob, with his autism quirks and speech challenges, was a different story.

    Creative Homeschooling Tactics

    Jacob’s activities lined the couch with an all done bin on the floor, very easy for him to understand!

    Our homeschooling sessions involved singing the ABCs during bath time (foam letters included!), bouncing on a rebounder while tackling flashcards, and counting and word games on the outdoor swing. Movement was Jacob’s magic ingredient for speech, so we embraced it wholeheartedly. It also made learning a lot more fun. This link shows how comprehension is challenging for our children with autism.  https://www.readingrockets.org/topics/autism-spectrum-disorder/articles/reading-comprehension-and-autism-primary-general-education

    The Calm in the Storm

    Nicholas, bless his heart, was the calm amidst our storm. Some days, Jacob and I would wrap up our lessons in tears. It usually ended with Jacob going to his room, me heading to mine, and Nicholas taking charge of soothing his brother. He’d build intricate train tracks and cue up a Thomas the Tank Engine movie. And then, he’d come to me with an offer of popcorn and Dr. Pepper because he knew they were my favorites. Smart kid!

    Not a Teacher Yet

    I wasn’t a teacher when we started this adventure; I decided to become a Special Education teacher later, thinking I needed the qualification to help my son. In reality, I didn’t. Jacob and I tackled the hard part before I ever got that degree. We taught each other.

    The Proud Moment

    I was just a mom, desperate and determined not to give up. I knew Jacob better than anyone, and I used that knowledge to our advantage. We turned every opportunity into a learning moment and incorporated everything he loved.

    Jacob reading, also part of his daily schedule.
    Jacob couldn’t read yet, but it was still part of his daily schedule!

    Teaching Triumph

    Teaching Jacob to read is a greater source of pride for me than my Master’s degree in Special Education. I taught him to read and write before I even had that degree. The Jacob School of Life taught me more than any classroom could.

    Challenges and Rewards

    Teaching any child to read is no walk in the park, and when you add disabilities to the mix, it’s a real uphill climb. You’ve got to connect with your student on a profound level, using every trick in the book to make it easier for them. Find ways to incorporate what they already love into the learning process.

    Celebrating Small Wins

    Jacob loved movies, trains, and video games (like father, like son). He adored movement and water, so we used all these things every single day until that light bulb moment finally happened. We celebrated every tiny milestone like it was the Super Bowl, and let me tell you, the victory dances were legendary.

    Don’t Give Up

    On the tough days, the ones that ended with me retreating to my room, tears streaming, feeling utterly unworthy, I didn’t give up. I’m here to tell you, you’re worthy, and your child needs you. Don’t throw in the towel; don’t give in. Celebrate every single accomplishment, no matter how minuscule. Because when you look back, you’ll see just how far you’ve come, and it’ll be a sight to behold.

    Tired and frustrated shows up for all moms
    Tired and frustrated? Try something new, create a schedule“How to create a personalized schedule for children with autism”!

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